Generali, De Agostini continues to sell shares with derivatives

Generali asks Consob and IVASS for clarification on pact quotas

(Finance) – The De Agostini operations to sell the stake held in General, an operation announced in November 2021 and which is taking shape in recent months. In any case, the termination of the holding in the Trieste-based company (equal to 1.44%) will be effective only after the shareholders’ meeting at the end of April, the one in which the board of directors will be renewed. According to what emerges from internal dealing, on 9 February De Agostini executed a transaction consisting of a derivative instrument whose underlying 2 million shares Generali, equal to 0.13% of the capital social.

On January 3 there had been a similar operation on the 0.16% of the capital, in January on 0.22%while in November (coinciding with the announcement of the disposal) of the 0.14%.
