February 16 strike at school: disruptions, and in March?

February 16 strike at school disruptions and in March

The mobilization against the pension reform continues with a new national strike scheduled for Thursday, February 16. In schools, the movement should be followed. Other disruptions have already been announced by some teacher unions from March 7. Update on the latest announcements.

The coming weeks are likely to be disrupted again by the days of strikes and demonstrations planned by the intersyndicale to make the government bend on the pension reform project. The next national mobilization is scheduled for this Thursday February 16. Determined, the unions are counting on the mobilization of all professional sectors, including National Education. In schools, some actions are preparing for February 16including on the youth side. Knowing that this strike takes place during the school holidays of zone A and B, it should only impact the zone C schoolchildren and Corsica who are not yet on vacation. A detail which does not prevent the teachers’ unions from mobilizing and from now planning the continuation of the movement, for the March 7 strike.

Strike at school on February 16: what mobilization?

Since the start of the movement in January, teachers have decided to make their demands heard on pension reform, which is currently being debated in the National Assembly, but also on the upgrading of their profession. Most want the government to give in on raising the retirement age and the duration of contributions. For the national strike of February 16, the fifth since the beginning of the year, only a few unions including the CGT-Education and the FSU-SNUipp have so far responded. In schools, which are not yet in school holidays, some disturbances could take place but the movement should be less important compared to previous strikes. On the other hand, this in no way detracts from the determination of the unions, which are already preparing the next action days in march.

Strike at school in March: the days announced

“There will be one big day on the 7thand a special initiative on the 8th, in connection with International Women’s Rights Day”, declared Yvan Ricordeau, CFDT national secretary to AFP on February 9. If the teachers’ unions are all present, these two new dates should directly impact schoolchildren, since they fall outside school holidays. Zone C and Corsica being the last two to go on vacation, from February 18 to March 6. SUD-Éducation now announces that“in March, we block the country” !

High school students and students mobilized on February 16?

On the youth side, high school and student unions will also be mobilized for the next mobilization. The UNEF and La Voix Lycéenne relayed messages on Twitter calling for the strike on February 16. “We will stand up. If we have to block the country on March 7, the youth will be there. We won’t give up until the withdrawal! #strike16february“, declared Colin Champion, the president of La Voix Lycéenne. On the teachers’ side, in vocational high schools, the mobilization of February 16 should also be followed to protest against the pension reform but also that of the vocational high school, carried by Minister Carole Grandjean, in charge of Vocational Education and Training. . For the continuation of the movement, the‘UNEF, the student union, also calls “to take to the streets on February 19 against the government’s project” and student precariousness.

What if my child’s school or class is closed?

Primary schools (kindergarten and elementary) are concerned by the minimum reception service in the event of a strike (if more than 25% of teachers are absent). This is not the case for colleges and high schools, as well as in nurseries or even for after-school care. In cases where there is no childcare service in place, the parents of students must on their side find a solution to have their children looked after. Without a solution, some parents sometimes have to take a day off or telecommute.

Can a student be refused entry to school if there is a strike?

In the first degree, even if there is a planned strike in a school, under no circumstances can a pupil be refused school. A pupil in primary school (nursery or elementary) must be welcomed during class time, even if his teacher or mistress is absent. This reception service is free. It is provided differently at public school and at private school under contract”indicates the site of the Public Service, according to the law in force since 2008.

Are teachers obliged to declare themselves strikers in advance?

The right to strike in National Education responds to a few obligations. In the first degree, school teachers must declare their intention to go on strike in advance, at least 48 hours before the movement, respecting one working day. It is therefore not possible to declare oneself a striker on Friday if the strike takes place on Monday. If the teacher does not inform his management, he incurs a disciplinary sanction, indicates the ministry’s website.

In colleges and high schools, if a notice has already been given by a union, teachers are not obliged to declare themselves to be on strike in advance. It is up to the management of the establishment to carry out a census of the strikers and to inform the pupils and their families of them in advance. In fact, some teachers also use interactive platforms with students and families to announce their participation or not a few hours before the start of classes. Advice: do not hesitate to contact the school management a few days before or the day before to find out the details of the mobilization to come.
