Gas, Urso on a mission to Azerbaijan: already this year free from supplies from Russia

Gas Urso on a mission to Azerbaijan already this year

(Finance) – The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo bear and the Azerbaijani president, Ilham Aliyevattended the signing of the agreement between Ansaldo Energy And Azerenerji in Baku. Thus begins the mission of the minister in Azerbaijan. In 2020, Azerbaijan and Italy signed a declaration on the multidimensional strategic partnership. Baku is an energy supplier for our country, not only for oil supplies but with the TAP also for supplies gas.

“Within this year we will free ourselves from Russia compared to the 40%” of gas “they bought from Moscow in 2021 and the 16% recorded last year. From next year we will also be able to supply other countries and in a short time we will become the European gas hub, also thanks to the doubling of the Azerbaijani TAP”, Minister Urso said in an interview with Il Messaggero before leaving for Azerbaijan. “With the two regasifiers Of Piombino And Ravenna which will be installed before the summer, we will be free from Russia. We must do the same on the electricity front,” Urso added.

“As they had foreseen – he underlined – the European agreement on price Postal Code contributed to the collapse of i prices: we are around 55 dollars compared to the over 300 exceeded in August. If they had listened to us sooner we would have saved over 70 billion euros which we had to allocate to businesses and families. But that’s not enough: we need to produce more energy to reach full sovereignty, this is the field of politics industrialFinally, the minister explained that the government is “preparing the annual law on competition in which there will also be room for some simplification measures” for companies.
