In the spotlight: pension reform, government and unions still back to back

In the spotlight pension reform government and unions still back

It is a warning, even an ultimatum, relief The cross. Unions threaten of “harden the movement by putting France at a standstill in all sectors on March 7”, if the executive and parliament “remain deaf to popular protest against pension reform. On the occasion of the next day of mobilization, Thursday, the eight leaders of the inter-union have planned to demonstrate together in Albi, to show their unity. On the historic lands of Jean Jaurès, the Tarn prefecture is symbolic of these medium-sized towns at the forefront of protest. […] Factrelieves La Croix, the unions are betting on overcoming the discussion of the text in the National Assembly, which is bogged down in obstruction, and are already planning on its examination in the Senate, scheduled from March 2 to 12. The executive hopes that this calendar will cause the social movement to run out of steam. The unions, on the contrary, see it as a means of keeping the flames of the opponents alive, while raising the level of the threat. »

Climate of violence in the Assembly

Waiting for, ” mess in the Assembly, a distressing sight », laments The Parisian.After the controversy sparked by LFI deputy Thomas Portes, trampling a balloon bearing the image of the Minister of Labour, concern is growing over the climate of violence in the hemicycle where the debate on pension reform resumes on Monday. »

The Parisian who protests: Certainly, the National Assembly has never been a discreet haven and debates have always raged there. It is even the lungs of democracy, when everyone confronts their ideas with force or vigour. But now, as former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve points out, we regularly “vulgarity without talent”. However, Parliament is not a circus, it is a sanctuaryexclaims the newspaper. We do not trample on symbols, we do not wallow in filth, we measure our words, we hold our rank and we refrain from any offense to intelligence. A tricolor scarf says a lot and symbolizes precious values. It is universal and represents every French person. So yes, it requires. »

Towards an adoption of the text… or else?

For Le Figaro, the die is cast. Despite the opposition, the reform will pass. ” Emmanuel Macron and Élisabeth Borne keep enough cards in their decks for the pension reform to be adopted, with or without 49.3. »

But this battle shows above all that Emmanuel Macron has lost his left “says Le Figaro. The divorce is definitively consummated. The event dynamites the ” at the same time” to train (in spite of himself?) Emmanuel Macron on his right “.

What can happen now: What options for a way out of the crisis ?wonders The Telegram. An adoption in parliament? not impossiblesays the newspaper. Everything could be resolved, after 15 days of examination in the Senate, during a joint joint commission. Far from the tumult, seven senators and seven deputies would then be responsible for finding a compromise making it possible for Parliament to vote. »

Second option: A forced passage? With the government which would override Parliament and which would implement the provisions of the project by ordinance? ” quite unlikely “, estimated The Telegram. There would be a risk of a new Yellow Vests-type crisis.

Another option: The withdrawal of the text… Not on the agenda, point to the newspaper, but… The union unity, unprecedented, and the mobilizations to come could make the government bend.

Finally, the fourth option, again according to The Telegram, not to exclude “: the project, if it was finally voted, could be censored by the Constitutional Council. The Elders could indeed consider that the law, in whole or in part, is contrary to the Constitution.

Will the door stay closed?

In any case, while waiting for the continuation of the events. ” In the three-way standoff over retirement, the executive has chosen its strategyfall under Les Echos: it is addressed to the Assembly (in particular to LR, the only possible partner to avoid a 49.3); he’s staying “respectful” but deaf facing the street. Implied in the face of the unions with whom he discussed in the fall. Gold, asks the business daily, if it is no longer a question of the unions but of working France, do we close the door in the same way ? The question emerges, unexpectedly. And so far, yes. »
