Shot down new UFO – the military searches for answers in the wilderness

Shot down new UFO the military searches for answers

Published: Less than 50 min ago

Updated: Less than 30 min ago

US fighter jets have shot down a new object that was traveling over Michigan.

Meanwhile, the Canadian military hunts the wreckage for UFOs scattered in the wilderness.

– We have to find out what they want, says General Wesley Clark about the mysterious craft over North America.

A fourth craft has been shot down over North America since the US and Canada discovered new high-altitude violations over the countries’ airspace.

It was fighter pilots from the US Air Force and the National Guard who shot down the object, says congresswoman Elissa Slotkin on Twitter.

Many UFO alarms

“Good job by everyone involved who participated in the operation both in the air and at headquarters,” she writes.

“We all want to know exactly what this object was and what its purpose was.”

According to the Pentagon, the latest object should have an octagonal, i.e. octagonal, shape, writes Reuters.

The object was flying at about 6,000 meters when it was first spotted on radar on Saturday evening. Then it traveled over Montana, reports CNN.

President Biden gave the order to shoot it down.

The news of the shooting down over Lake Huron in Michigan came after a day of airspace closures in various locations due to repeated UFO alerts.

full screen A US Air Force plane looking for an object over Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. Photo: Flightradar24

The first three objects in the UFO sightings — a suspected Chinese spy device, a craft shot down in Alaska on Friday and another shot down over Canada’s Yukon on Saturday — are all believed to be different types of balloons.

– They think they are balloons, yes, says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on American television on Sunday.

Chasing wrecks in the wilderness

The White House says objects two and three are not similar to the Chinese spy balloon that sparked the whole UFO commotion, which was shot down over South Carolina in early February after traveling over sensitive US military sites.

– We will not say anything definitive about the objects until we have recovered the wreckage, which we are working on, says a spokesperson for the White House to Reuters.

Canadian military is currently hunting the wreckage of the UFO that was shot down on Saturday. They have an investigative force on the ground in the Yukon, looking for the parts of the unpopulated wilderness.

Retrieving the UFO rocket can be a challenge.

fullscreenParts of the balloon shot down over US waters are picked up. Photo: Petty Officer 1st Class Tyler Thompson/US Navy
full screen The American F-22 plane takes off – to go and shoot down the suspected spy balloon in the USA. Photo: Airman 1st Class Mikaela Smith / AP

Pointing out China

The Yukon is located in the northwest corner of Canada, bordering Alaska, and the weather in the region is notoriously harsh in the winter with brutally cold temperatures.

– A force is in place to find and analyze the object, says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a press conference.

fullscreen Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave the order to shoot down. Photo: John Woods/AP

– The safety of the population is our priority and that is why I made the decision that the unidentified object should be shot down.

Michael McCaul, a Republican member of the House of Representatives and chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, told Fox News that the balloon that was shot down over South Carolina was tasked with taking pictures of sensitive US sites where nuclear weapons are stored.

– They want the images, to receive information about our military capabilities, especially regarding nuclear weapons, he says.

Retired general Wesley Clark, now an expert on CNN, tells the television channel that he assumes that the objects have been sent from China, probably with the aim of gathering intelligence about the US defense.

– It is important to find out what they want, he says.

China has denied that the first object was a spy balloon and has condemned the White House’s decision to shoot it down.

full screen Here the first Chinese spy balloon crashes after being shot down by the US military. Photo: Chad Fish/AP
full screen The American Navy’s group “Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2” fishes out the balloon that was shot down over American airspace in the USA. Photo: US Navy/AP
full screen Aerial view of Yukon, Canada. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
