the Russian “special operation” in Ukraine seen by the boss of Wagner

the Russian special operation in Ukraine seen by the boss

Wagner’s boss keeps trying to move the lines. In an interview broadcast on social networks, Yevgeny Prigojine gave indications on how he sees the development of the Russian operation in Ukraine, stressing that it will take several more years to achieve what he considers to be the goals of this operation.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Jean-Didier Revoin

Evguéni Prigojine continues to be talked about. While the Russian authorities have never publicly expressed what the precise military aims of the operation in Ukraine were, the boss of Wagner puts himself in full light. In his eyes, the Russians will take between a year and a half and two years to secure the territories of the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Influence on the political scene

And if it were necessary to go so far as to take the city of Dnipro, on the banks of the Dnieper, then that would require, still according to him, another three years of fighting. As we know, the oligarch close to Vladimir Putin is one of the warmongers. Since last February, he has never hesitated to criticize the Russian military command. And according to several sources, he would use the private militia he leads to acquire a certain weight on the Russian political scene.

Explosive announcements

An ambition that would explain its positions and explosive announcements. But also the energy he puts, with his men, to take the city of Bakhmout. He announced this morning the capture of Krasna Hora, a town north of Bakhmout.

►Also read : The Russian paramilitary group Wagner would have stopped recruiting in prisons
