Latest news – Greece’s foreign minister visits earthquake area

Latest news Greeces foreign minister visits earthquake area
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Greece’s foreign minister visits earthquake area

today at 11.46 Niklas Gustafsson

To show his support, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias has traveled to the earthquake area in Turkey, reports TT.

Despite a tense relationship between the countries, Turkey and Greece have a tradition of helping each other during natural disasters.

Dendias is the first European minister to visit Turkey after the earthquake.

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  • Cholera outbreak risks worsening the situation in Syria

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    Johanna Lönn, health advisor for disaster response at the Swedish Red Cross, states on the ground in Syria that a cholera outbreak is the last thing the country needs.

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  • Construction contractors arrested in Turkey after the earthquake

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    Several of them must be construction contractors.

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  • Man stabbed in group housing

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    – We received the alarm just after nine o’clock. Then a resident must have jumped on another resident with a knife, says Anna Westberg, press spokesperson for the police.

    The motive is currently unclear. The perpetrator also attacked an employee at the residence.

    – But that person was not stabbed and was not seriously injured, says Anna Westerberg.

    One was arrested, suspected of attempted murder. A technical survey will be carried out on site.

  • Iran’s president travels to China to strengthen ties

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    It is Chinese President Xi Jinping who invited him. The visit lasts three days and is intended to strengthen the economic ties between the countries.

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  • Danish Food Agency: Toxic chemicals in organic eggs

    Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

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    Marie Lönneskog Hogstadius, operations manager at the industry organization Swedish eggs, tells Sveriges Radio that the industry is aware of the alarm.

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  • Man arrested after assault

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    – He gets punched in the face and kicked when he’s lying down, it all happens outside a pub, says Jimmy Modin, police spokesperson.

    The 22-year-old was arrested on the spot and is suspected of aggravated assault.

    – The next step in the case is to interrogate him, says Jimmy Modin.

  • Two men were taken to hospital with stab wounds

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    The two men are aged 18 and were taken to hospital by ambulance. The police currently have no suspects.

    The site has been cordoned off during the night and a technical investigation has been carried out.

    – We have searched the crime scene and in the area, but the cordons are lifted now, says Jimmy Modin’s press officer at the police.

    Both men’s injuries are considered serious, but not life-threatening.

    – The next step will be to hear the men and then the witnesses to the incident, says Jimmy Modin.

    The incident is classified as attempted murder.

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    According to information, Jens Stoltenberg may continue as NATO chief. Photo: AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

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    In the speculation about who can succeed Stoltenberg, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and British Defense Minister Ben Wallace are mentioned.

    However, NATO rejects the information.

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  • Woman arrested for attempted murder after knife attack

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    The alarm came at midnight, and the woman allegedly stabbed the man with a knife.

    – It’s stabbing, I don’t know how many, says Thomas Paulsson at the police.

    The police describe it as a relationship dispute.

    According to the police, the man was awake and able to speak and has been taken to hospital. Both the suspected perpetrator and the victim are in their 30s and 40s.

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  • Why do you never mention what happened to the animal when they are involved in traffic accidents? Feels a bit unempathetic…

    Anna Grevlund

    Hi Anna! We do that in some cases when it is known what happened. At the same time, if it is a serious accident where people have died or been injured, it seems reasonable to focus on that.

  • Why is SVT’s reporter Bert Sundström leaving Russia? Because of a pension or something else? What is he going to do? Will miss his reporting.


    That Bert Sundström himself says in SVT is that Russia has become increasingly closed and the media more limited.

    I think more people feel like you Helena – 20 years in the box makes an impression! We’ll see what Bert Sundström does in the future.

  • The number of dead in Turkey is reported to be constant. What about Syria, how many have died there?

    Andreas Bolin

    Hello! When we have continuously reported death figures, it has applied to both countries.

    According to the latest official figures, 3,575 deaths have been confirmed in Syria and 24,617 in Turkey, writes CNN.

    There are over 28,000 dead in total.

  • Nice rescue dog Killian. What breed is it?


    Hi Veronica! Talented Killian is a golden retriever <3

  • There is hope for the world!

    Which the firefighters Kiril Hristov, Klaes-Ola Kolberg and the rescue dog Killian show in the Turkey of the earthquake.

    Glory to Ukraine!

    Is not it nice? Here can you see a whole interview with Klaes-Ola and the dog Killian!

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