The inventor of the vaccine gave the formula to end the pandemic

The inventor of the vaccine gave the formula to end

Alexander Gintsburg, the developer of the coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V, developed by the Russian Direct Investment Fund and the Gamaleya Institute, made statements about the future of the pandemic. Gintsburg said, “We need to be revaccinated every six months and so we will be protected,” saying that if 80 percent of the world’s population is vaccinated in no more than seven months, the coronavirus pandemic could end.


The head of the Gamaleya Institute, Alexander Gintsburg, said, “To achieve this goal, first of all, sufficient vaccine stocks must be created and provided to countries that do not produce Covid-19 antitoxins,” Gintsburg emphasized that his country can contribute to this situation.

People vaccinated with Sputnik V have 75 percent protection against severe cases caused by the strain of the Omicron variant, while those boosted with Sputnik Light have 100 percent protection against hospitalization in the event of contracting Omicron.

“EVERY SIX MONTHS WE NEED TO BE vaccinated again”

If a year has passed since the last vaccination with Sputnik V, the vaccine’s protection against Omicron was announced as 55 percent.


According to the news of NTV; “We can draw a direct conclusion from this,” said Gintsburg.

The head of the Gamaleya Institute added that under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and with the participation of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the Gamaleya Institute team has developed an intranasal injected Covid-19 spray.
