SMHI warns of storm surges – this is where the storm hits

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It is expected to be very windy for a short period in parts of southern Sweden. Westerly winds with gusts of 23-25 ​​meters per second are expected to move in during early Thursday evening.

SMHI has issued a yellow warning for storm villages affecting northern Götaland and southernmost Svealand.

The strong winds may cause limited road access due to fallen trees, and public transport may experience delays and cancellations.

SMHI also warns that areas with overhead power lines may be affected by disturbances in the electricity and telecommunications supply, and that loose objects and temporary constructions are at risk of being moved or damaged.

– It is very mild air that moves in and it collides with colder air that moves down from the north and it forms a low pressure. There is a lot of energy which means that it can be really intense, says TV4 Nyhetern’s meteorologist Peter Kondrup.

Here the stormy weather strikes – see the forecast in the player above.
