“Many of us like the Olympics but…”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

After narrowly missing out on hosting the 2026 Olympics and Paralympics, Sweden is investigating whether to make another attempt at the Winter Games four years later. This after a request from the International Olympic Committee, IOC, which has difficulty getting candidates.

The Swedish Olympic Committee (SOK), the Swedish Paralympic Committee (SPK) and the National Sports Confederation must therefore begin a preliminary study to see if the conditions exist.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) is positively disposed – to the feasibility study.

— We are informed, and just like SOK look forward to an analysis of whether there are good conditions or not. There are many of us who like the Olympics, but no one wants to draw any hasty conclusions, says Kristersson.

Vancouver pulled out

Kristersson admits that the economy is an important part of the whole thing. Among other things, Canadian Vancouver has withdrawn its Olympic plans for 2030 after the region of British Columbia said no for financial reasons.

– Economics has almost always been a weighty reason not to do an Olympics and it is guaranteed to remain as an argument. Then there are some signs that indicate that it is possible to make the Olympics cheaper these days than before, says Kristersson.

Stockholm’s finance councilor Karin Wanngård (S) is just like Ulf Kristersson looking forward to taking part in the feasibility study.

“It is good that sports look at the issue collectively, if Stockholm can assist with the basis for the preliminary study, we will of course be helpful with that. The question of how Stockholm approaches an Olympics can only become relevant when the government announces that they stand for security guarantees,” says Wanngård in a written comment.

“Hard to defend”

Sweden’s Sports Minister Jakob Forssmed (KD) also does not want to comment on a possible Winter Olympics in Sweden before the preliminary study is completed. He also does not want to comment on whether the government is prepared to give financial guarantees to a Swedish application.

“At a later stage, the government will take a position on any issues related to this,” says Forssmed.

One person who is doubtful about the whole Olympic idea is Angelika Bengtsson, Member of Parliament with responsibility for sports matters for SD. Bengtsson believes that it will be a costly arrangement, even if the idea is to use already existing arenas, among other things.

“It would of course be nice to have an Olympics in Sweden, but given the financial situation we are in, we find it difficult to defend that Sweden should apply alone. If this is to happen, our opinion is that Sweden should apply for a joint Olympics and Paralympics together with our Nordic neighboring countries instead,” says Bengtsson in a written comment.
