School children found thermos bomb in Landskrona

School children found thermos bomb in Landskrona

Published: Just now

full screen The staff at a school in Landskrona alerted the police after three students found a thermos in a bush. It turned out to be a sharp bomb. Archive image. Photo: Mikael Fritzon/TT

A thermos that three schoolchildren found in a bush at a playground in Landskrona turned out to be a sharp bomb. They took it with them to their school, where the staff alerted the police.

The thermos contained explosives, police investigator Tenny Svensson tells HD/Sydsvenskan. It also had a fuse, but according to the police there was no danger of it triggering itself.

The find was made in the Koppargården district in the middle of last week. The thermos bomb has been sent to the National Forensic Center for analysis.
