TikTok will donate to earthquake relief efforts

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China-based major social media platform TikTokannounced that they will donate for earthquake relief efforts.

The official statement from the company on this subject is as follows: it happened: “We are deeply saddened by the earthquakes that occurred on February 6 in southeast Turkey, which killed thousands, injured countless people and caused widespread destruction. As a platform powered by its community, we believe it is our responsibility to support communities as much as we can. In this context, for aid efforts in Turkey Donate $200,000 and we will share this amount equally between the voluntary social service organization Turkish Red Crescent and the Friends Association.


With this contribution, we hope that we will help both organizations that support the needy in many areas such as blood supply, support for search and rescue efforts, the shipment of food, tents, blankets and other critical materials. We share the sadness of the Turkish people in these difficult days when we are facing a great tragedy; We offer our condolences to those who lost their relatives and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.”

There are other aid works in this regard. For example, some examples focused on “crypto” are listed below:

Other aid comes from abroad. For example “Hasan brotherTurkish-American Twitch broadcaster and political commentator Hasan Doğan Piker, using the name ”, collected more than $550 thousand in aid for earthquake relief.
