Duck “Le Gaulois” recalled throughout France for a risk of Listeria

Duck Le Gaulois recalled throughout France for a risk of

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    Throughout France, a batch of duck meat has just been recalled. It would be contaminated by a dangerous bacterium, responsible for listeriosis.

    Notice to duck meat lovers: the tray marketed by the Gaulois brand must be thrown away. Since Monday, it has been the subject of a recall due to the presence of the bacterium “Listeria monocytogenes”.

    Which product is affected?

    These are “Le Gaulois” duck sleeves marketed in France in the form of a tray. The product references are as follows:

    • Product Category: Food;
    • Product Sub-Category: Meats;
    • Product brand name: Le Gaulois;
    • Model names or references: duck sleeves;
    • GTIN: 3266980006587;
    • Batch: 0252031462;
    • Use-by date: 30/12/2022;
    • Packaging: shrink-wrapped tray;
    • Marketing start/end date: from 23/12/2022 to 30/12/2022;
    • Health mark: FR 53 014 002 CE;
    • Geographical area of ​​sale: whole of France
    • Distributors: Carrefour market, Auchan Luxembourg, Francap, E. Leclerc;
    • Reason for the recall: detection of the Listeria monocytogenes germ.

    Fever, headaches and body aches

    If the batch was recalled it is because it contains a dangerous bacterium: Listeria monocytogenes, responsible for listeriosis.

    But this diseasecan be serious“says the reminder sheet. The incubation period can be up to eight weeks.

    In the event of symptoms (fever, headaches, body aches, etc.), people who have consumed the product mentioned above “are invited to consult their attending physician and inform him of this consumption”adds the site again.

    It is therefore recommended not to eat the duck, to destroy it or bring it back to the point of sale for reimbursement.

    In case of questions, a telephone number is available to consumers (0 233 303 400).
