What are the health hazards of biocidal products?

What are the health hazards of biocidal products

Biocidal products are chemical substances intended to destroy organisms considered harmful such as insects, bacteria, algae or rodents. Used in the domestic sphere as in the professional environment, they can present health risks if they are not used appropriately.

Definition: what is a biocidal product?

“A biocidal product is a chemical substance used to kill or control pests such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, moulds, algae, insects, rodents or unwanted plants“, explains Philippe Carenco, medical officer of health, in charge in particular of the control of the biocidal products used at the CHU of Nice. They are classified, according to their type of use, in four 4 groups, including 22 different types of products:

  • THE disinfectants (human or animal hygiene, disinfection of surfaces, drinking water, etc.);
  • THE protective products (preservatives, wood protection products, building materials, etc.;
  • THE pest control products (rodenticides, insecticides, repellents, etc.);
  • Other biocidal products (fluids used for embalming, antifouling products).

“Biocidal products can present health risks if they are not used in an appropriate and compliant manner. It is therefore important to observe the instructions for use and the warnings mentioned on the label and to use them with caution, equipped with protections“. For domestic, professional or industrial use, they must be authorized and registered before they are placed on the market. The placing on the market and the use of these products are regulated at Community level by European Regulation (EU) No 528/2012.

Where are biocidal products found?

Biocidal products are found in many common products, such as:

  • Disinfectants for hands and surfaces
  • Pest control products (insecticides, repellents, rodent control products)
  • Anti-mold products
  • Water disinfection products
  • Pest control products pets
  • Wood protection products (preservatives protecting wood, fibers)

“Certain types of products like “bleach” are sold in self-service, in supermarkets, in DIY, gardening, hygiene and health products stores, as well as in online stores, continued the medical officer. Others, such as “pesticides for professional use”, require the advice of someone with a individual certificate issued in a training center authorized for this purpose and registered with the Ministry of the Environment“. This training system aims to ensure sustainable and reasoned use of these products.

Biocidal products can pose health hazards if not used properly

These products contain “active” substances, which may present dangers (toxicity, sensitization, corrosion). It is important to follow the instructions for use and the warnings mentioned on the label for safe and effective use.“. The placing on the market and the use of these products are framed at community level by European Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012, which replaced and repealed European Directive 98/8/EC, recalls the site of Ministry of Ecological Transition. The main objective of these regulations is to ensure a high level of protection for humans, animals and the environment with regard to these products. The measures implemented aim in particular to prevent long-term effects: carcinogenic or toxic effects for reproduction, effects of toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative substances. The regulations currently in force provide for a two-step authorization system:
► A first step evaluation of active substances is carried out at European level. This step makes it possible to prohibit active ingredients presenting too much risk (toxicity for humans or for the environment);
► A second step product assessment is carried out at the national level. Only effective and less dangerous products are authorized.
In addition, the marketing authorizations (AMM) regulate the conditions of use of the products and the warnings intended for users. For each biocidal product, there is a technical sheet and a safety data sheet available on the manufacturer’s website.

What is the list of authorized biocidal products?

There is no comprehensive list of trade names of authorized biocidal products since authorizations are granted regularly, on the basis of the authorized componentsrecognizes Dr. Carenco. From the moment they are on free sale, they are authorized“. In France, the components of biocidal products are regulated by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition. The list of components of biocidal products authorized in France can be consulted on the website of the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (HANDLES). “It is important to check that the products you use are authorized and registered before using them”.

What are the health hazards of biocidal products?

Biocidal products can pose health hazards if not used properly. “For example, in misuse, overdose, or by exposing them to sensitive people such as children“, specifies our interlocutor. The immediate dangers for health are:

  • Iirritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract
  • Nausea, headache, dizziness and other symptoms similar to poisoning

“It is important to follow the instructions for use and warnings on the product label for safe and effective use, and to take appropriate protective measures, such as wearing gloves and goggles“It is also important to store biocidal products out of the reach of children and pets.”Consequences can also appear in the long term for people who use them repeatedly. For example, respiratory allergies, chronic asthma, dermatitis and skin diseases of the hands. All these pathologies are declared as occupational diseases and taken care of.

What are the warning symptoms of biocide poisoning?

Symptoms of biocide poisoning can vary depending on the biocide product and the amount ingested or inhaled. Common warning symptoms include:

  • Eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Headaches, dizziness, confusion and other neurological disorders
  • Cough and difficulty breathing

“In the event of biocide poisoning, it is important to contact a healthcare professional or poison control center immediately closest to get immediate medical care“, insists the doctor. “As much information as possible should be provided about the biocidal product in question, including its name, the amount ingested or inhaled and the circumstances of exposure”.

“The best thing is to avoid using a biocidal product!”

“The best is to avoid using a biocidal product!“, concludes our interlocutor. In the meantime, there are some measures to limit exposure to biocidal products:
Read the instructions carefully instructions and warnings on the label of biocidal products before using them.
► Wear protective equipment described in the instructions for use: e.g. rubber gloves and protective goggles
Do not spray the products in a cramped and poorly ventilated room
► Only use the recommended quantity of biocidal product, and do not use it more often than necessary.
Never mix with another product, whatever. If you have to carry out several operations using different products on the same surfaces, make sure that there is no residue between two applications of different products.
Store biocidal products in a safe place and out of the reach of children and pets.
Ventilate the room well during and after use of biocidal products to eliminate harmful vapours.
► If biocidal products are spilled, put on gloves, collect the products with a cloth or absorbent paper then discard and rinse with plenty of water.

Thank you to Dr Philippe Carenco, head of the hygiene department at the University Hospital of Nice, and medical officer at the CPIAS (Center for Support and Prevention of Infections Associated with Care) PACA.
