Ukraine changes defense minister, Reznikov moves to another position

Ukraine changes defense minister Reznikov moves to another position

Reznikov, who is moving from the post of Minister of Defense, has been under pressure because of the corruption scandal in his ministry.

Ukraine appoints the country’s new defense minister Kyrylo Budanovwho will replace the one who has been in the position since November 2021 It would be Reznikov.

The news agencies AFP and Reuters report on the matter.

The 37-year-old Budanov, who will become Minister of Defense, has been in charge of Ukraine’s military intelligence since August 2020.

– War dictates personnel policy, said a senior legislator who told about the change of ministers David Arakham on Sunday, according to AFP.

Reznikov will be transferred to Arakham as minister responsible for strategic industry. However, the exact time of Reznikov’s departure was not announced.

According to Arakham, the time and circumstances call for strengthening and regrouping. He said regrouping will also happen in the future.

According to Reuters, Reznikov, who will be removed from the post of minister, has been under pressure because of the corruption scandal in his ministry. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi has fired several high-level officials this year to root out corruption. Among others, Reznikov’s Deputy Minister of Defense received departure passes in January.

Speaking to reporters earlier on Sunday, Reznikov said that only President Zelenskyi could decide his fate.

– The stress I have experienced this year is difficult to measure accurately. I’m not ashamed of anything. My conscience is completely clear, the outgoing defense minister said.

According to Reznikov, the Ministry of Defense is conducting an internal audit of procurement procedures. He added that the ministry’s own anti-corruption department had “failed” to do its job and would have to be “restarted completely”.
