Tone Sekelius in front of Mello: “Rep went straight to the fans”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Tonight is the year’s first competition in Melodifestival, and Nyhetsmorgon’s reporter Carolin Björnerhag was on site in Gothenburg to take the time of the artists.

– A rope went straight for the fanders, admits Tone Sekelius, who is the first out tonight.

– But if it ever goes badly, it’s under the rope, she continues.

“Most fun I’ve ever had”

One who is not nervous is Rehjan Bellani, who broke through in Talang:

– I’m not nervous at all. I see everything as a fun thing, he says and adds:

– It’s the funnest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.

In the player above, Panther aunts Eva Rydberg & Ewa Roos also talk about their feelings before the evening.
