The 5 symptoms that can reveal cancer

The 5 symptoms that can reveal cancer

More than 1000 cancers are detected every day in France. The disease can be manifested by several unusual and persistent symptoms, sometimes very general. Here are the signs to look out for.

[Mise à jour le 4 février 2023 à 10h00] More than 1000 cancers are detected every day in France, according to the National Cancer Institute. “Detecting cancer at an early stage considerably increases the patient’s chances of recovery.“explains Dr Marie-Jeanne Bréchot from the Public Health and Care Unit of the National Cancer Institute. To detect it early, you have to listen to your body And identify malfunctions who deserve a medical consultation. “Cancer can be manifested by the appearance of several unusual and persistent symptoms. This does not necessarily mean that there is cancer but they must lead to consult the general practitioner” recommends the oncologist. On the occasion of the February 4 World Cancer Dayreminder of signs to look out for.

What is cancer?

The cancer results from the occurrence of a dysfunction in certain cells of the body. These start to to multiply in an anarchic way and to proliferate, first locally, then in the surrounding tissue, then at a distance where they form metastases. In medical terms, the word “cancer” actually refers to a group of diseases that are very different from each other. That is why we shouldn’t talk about cancer, but about cancers, in the plural”, explains theNational Cancer Institute on his site.

5 warning symptoms of cancer

  1. Of the stool changes whether in terms of consistency, color or smell – but also if there is blood in it, can be signs of a Colon Cancer.
  2. THE urination disorders can be related to two types of different cancers: bladder and prostate.
  3. Of the vaginal bleeding that occurs outside of the menstrual cycle should not be taken lightly. These are the most common signs of Cervical cancer.
  4. There cough, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing often accompany ailments like the common cold or flu, but when they are intense and persistent they can be signs of the cancer of the lungs, throat or esophagus.
  5. Lesions in the mouthbut also on the gum or in the throat, can signal a mouth cancer.
Photo of cancer cells that have migrated © Tatiana Shepeleva – stock.adobe.

What general signs can reveal cancer?

From the most general to the most rare:

  • Unexplained pain or pain that does not pass ;
  • Breathing or mouth problems : shortness of breath, mouth ulceration that does not heal, persistent cough;
  • Digestive or urinary problems : more frequent bowel movements, persistent bloating; digestive problems or persistent heartburn, urinary problem;
  • Bleeding : unexplained vaginal bleeding, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, coughing or coughing up blood, blood loss outside of menstruation or after menopause;
  • Physical changes or manifestations change in the shape of a breast, unexplained weight loss, new mole or change in a mole, appearance of a lump or swelling that does not diminish, regardless of the spot, hoarse or hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, heavy night sweats, small, non-healing sore on the skin or in the mouth

When do the first signs of cancer appear?

Before symptoms related to the proliferation of cancer cells appear, it may take years. The first signs of cancer therefore generally appear when the disease is already established. Hence the interest oflisten to your body and the signals it can send without waiting for the disease to gain more ground, but also to see regularly to get tested in case of risk. “Screening makes it possible to diagnose certain cancers early, before the appearance of symptoms, and to treat them better. In some cases, screening can even prevent the appearance of cancer, thanks to the identification and treatment of an anomaly that could have progressed to cancer.“, completes Dr. Marie-Jeanne Bréchot.

Through diagnostic tests, we determines the stage of the cancer, i.e. the extent of the disease, at the time of diagnosis. Remember that cancers are classified into two groups: localized cancers And cancers that have formed metastases. Metastatic cancer is when cancer cells spread and begin to invade other organs in the body“, specifies Dr. Marie-Jeanne Bréchot.

Thus, a unusual pain in a particular place may be a sign of metastasis. However, there are other symptoms that indicate the presence of metastases:

  • heaviness in the liver can mean liver metastases;
  • nausea, vomiting and dizziness may be associated with brain metastases;
  • difficulty breathing may be a sign of metastases to the lungs;
  • pain is often associated with bone metastases.

When to consult?

You should consult your GP if the symptoms are unusual and persistent. He will suggest the examinations necessary to determine the causes of these symptoms and will direct you, if necessary, to an oncologist. “Nevertheless, detecting cancer at an early stage considerably increases the patient’s chances of recovery. It is an essential way to act against cancer becausein the majority of cases, some of them can be cured if treated early. For many cancers, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the lighter the treatments and the better the chances of recovery. The interest of early diagnosis is thus to provide better care, but also to limit the sequelae linked to certain treatments.“, recalls Dr. Marie-Jeanne Bréchot.

What are the types of cancer?

There are several types of cancer, which are determined according to histology, in other words the nature of the tissue in which they develop. “Thus, we distinguish: carcinomas where the cancerous cells appear in an epithelium, that is to say a tissue covering the internal surfaces (tissue covering the organs) or external (epidermis for example); sarcomas where cancer cells arise in “supporting” tissue such as bone, fat or muscle; and the hematopoietic cancers where the cancer affects the blood or lymphoid organs, organs in which certain blood cells acquire their function“, explains Dr Marie-Jeanne Bréchot, from the Public Health and Care Unit of the National Cancer Institute. Another classification opposes solid tumors to tumors of blood cells.Solid malignancies, characterized by an individualized mass, are distinguished from cancers affecting blood cells, which are diffuse in the body and mainly present in the bone marrow or blood“, she develops.

Thank you to Dr Marie-Jeanne Bréchot, from the Public Health and Care Unit of the National Cancer Institute. Comments collected in 2019.

Source: Cancer, key figures, National Cancer Institute, July 7, 2022.
