So Lee Christiernsson came out to the family – the mother’s reaction

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For many years he was Snickar-Björn from “Entligen hemma” with the entire Swedish people. Today is Björn Lee and in the new TV4 documentary “Becoming Lee” can the viewers follow when she comes out as a non-binary transsexual.

– It was a short circuit for me, I didn’t understand anything, says mother Ulla about when Lee came out to the family.

For ten months, a camera crew has followed transsexual Lee Christiernsson and documented Lee’s struggle to live as her true self. Björn Christiernsson became known as Snickar-Björn during the 00s when he was one of the popular faces in Äntligen hemma week after week, but behind the facade grew the feeling of being born in the wrong body.

– Life can be so damn hard, I’m a fucking adult and I’ve solved so many problems in this world, but this problem is unsolved.

In the documentary series, we now get to follow Björn’s path to becoming Lee.

– The journey I’m on has two tracks, which are admittedly connected. One is coming out as a non-binary transsexual and the other is my body that I want to change. I am locked in my male body and if you could reverse the tape, I would have been born a woman, then everything would be hunky dory, simple and clear for me, Lee tells in the documentary.

Mother Ulla Christiernsson about Lee’s letter to the family

When Lee came out to his family, he wrote a long letter in which he told about his feelings, how he feels today and how he has been. Mother Ulla Christiernsson now shares her reaction when she read the letter.

– It was a short circuit for me, I didn’t understand anything, says Ulla.

– But then this giant thought came to me that “but my God, how bad has he been?”. I’ve asked Björn and said that “you’re almost the manliest man I know, how in the name of peace?”. It doesn’t add up for me, he was really this macho guy, Ulla continues, who today has reconciled with Lee’s new identity.

Hear mother Ulla’s story in the player above.
