How to record a phone conversation?

How to record a phone conversation

Are you anticipating an important call and want to record your conversation? We quickly explain how to record a phone conversation on Android and iPhone.

Recording a telephone conversation can be useful in many contexts: to preserve or share an important discussion, to transcribe the answers of an interview, to share a professional conference with other work colleagues… But depending on the system of operating on your smartphone (Android or iOS), the manipulation to be carried out to record a call will be different. In some cases, this option is integrated directly into the phone interface; in others, you’ll have to resort to third-party equipment or software. In order to help you see more clearly, we explain in this guide the procedure to follow to record a telephone conversation on your iPhone or on your Android smartphone.

Record a phone conversation

You may want to record a telephone conversation for several reasons, in a private or professional setting. In any case, a legal reminder is necessary: ​​the fact of recording a telephone call can be considered as an invasion of privacy, if you do not warn your interlocutor and/or he does not give you his consent. . This precaution is not a simple formality: not respecting it makes you punishable by law.

Record a conversation on iPhone

Natively (i.e. directly in the iOS interface), it is not possible to record a telephone conversation on iPhone. However, there are some alternatives:

  • via another device: during a call on your iPhone, after requesting and obtaining the consent of your interlocutor, press the “”Speaker”” button on the call screen. On another iOS device (such as an iPad or Mac), or on an Android device (a smartphone or tablet), launch the Dictaphone application or equivalent. Press the start button to start recording. You can also use a dedicated device, such as an external microphone;
  • via a third-party application: there are certain applications allowing the recording of telephone conversations on iOS. You can opt for TapeACall Or Call Recorder Lite, For example. Once the application is installed, launch it during a call and, after your interlocutor’s consent, activate the recording.

Record Android Conversation

On an Android smartphone, handling is easier because it is directly integrated into the Phone application. Here’s how to start recording a phone conversation on Android:

  • from the Phone application, make or receive a call;
  • during the conversation, and after having informed your interlocutor and obtained his agreement, press the “”Record”” button;
  • a few moments later, an automatic voice message informs all participants in the call that it has been recorded;
  • to interrupt the recording, press the “”Stop recording”” button;
  • a new voice message informs all parties of the end of the recording, and the recording stops;
  • To listen to the recording, go to the Phone application, and click on the “”Recents”” tab to display the list of all recorded phone conversations, sorted by interlocutor.
