How to Delete an App on iPhone

How to Delete an App on iPhone

An unwanted app on your iPhone? A game that you no longer launch? We briefly explain how to delete one or more applications easily on your iPhone.

To make room on your home page or free up space in your storage, it may be useful to delete or even uninstall an application on iPhone. If we distinguish between “remove” and “uninstall”, it is not exactly the same manipulation. When you “delete” an app, it disappears from your iPhone’s home screen, but it isn’t erased from its memory.

You can therefore always access it by using the Search function (by bringing it up with a downward gesture), or by going to your App Library (i.e. the screen at right after the welcome screen). When you “uninstall” an application, however, it is completely removed from your iPhone. In both cases, we explain how to do it in this guide.

Delete an app on iPhone

To delete an application from your iPhone (i.e. make it disappear from the home screen), without uninstalling it, here is the procedure to follow:

  • on the home screen, find the app you want to remove. Make a long press on the icon of this application until a menu appears;
  • in the menu, select the option “”Delete the app”” which appears in red;
  • on the confirmation window that appears on the screen, press “Remove from home screen”;
  • afterwards, if you want to access this application again, you will have to go to the rightmost screen after the home screen, labeled “”Apps Library””. If you want the app to reappear on the Home screen, long-press its icon in the App Library, and tap “To Home Screen”.

Uninstall an iPhone app

To uninstall an app from your iPhone (i.e. permanently delete its data to free up storage space), here’s what you need to do:

  • on the Home screen, or in the App Library, find the app you want to uninstall. Long press the icon of this application to display a menu;
  • in this menu, choose the option “”Delete the app”” which is written in red;
  • on the confirmation window that then appears, select “”Delete the app””;
  • be careful, the permanent deletion of an application also leads to the deletion of its data (like a save in a game). Afterwards, if you want to install this application again, you will have to go to the App Store and download it.

To delete or uninstall several applications in succession, you can also follow the following procedure:

  • on the home screen, press and hold anywhere on the screen (without touching a particular icon);
  • press the “”-“” button that appears on the upper left corner of the icon of an application you want to remove;
  • as before, select “”Remove from home screen”” or “”Remove app”” according to your preference.
  • Repeat the operation for each application to be deleted.
