US Department of Defense Pentagon tracking Chinese spy balloon

US Department of Defense Pentagon tracking Chinese spy balloon

The high-flying ball has not been shot down because it is feared that the falling debris could endanger people.

A Chinese spy balloon is moving high above the United States and its route has been monitored for a few days, informs the US Department of Defense Pentagon. According to the Pentagon, the Chinese ship appears to be monitoring US nuclear facilities.

President of the United States Joe Biden senior administration officials have advised against shooting down the balloon as the remains of the balloon are feared to be a security threat.

Biden had previously been asked by the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the country’s military leadership to make a plan to destroy the balloon.

– The purpose of the balloon is clearly reconnaissance, and the current flight path takes it over several sensitive targets, commented a senior official source to the press.

According to the official, the technology used in the balloon is not special in any way.

The balloon is said to be flying over the northwestern United States. There are several heavily guarded US military installations in the area, such as air force bases and missile silos.

Does not pose a danger to air traffic

However, the intelligence risk caused by the balloon is estimated to be low. The balloon reportedly entered US airspace a couple of days ago, and was on US intelligence radar long before this.

US fighter jets were sent to inspect the balloon while it was over the state of Montana.

The officials have not agreed to tell the flight height in more detail, but the balloon is said to be flying high enough that it is not a danger to commercial air traffic.

China has sent reconnaissance balloons to the United States before, but the one spotted now has been in American airspace longer than usual.

According to an official source, the United States has lodged a protest with China about the balloon it detected. Relations between the United States and China have been strained recently due to, among other things, tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

US Secretary of Defense by Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit China in the coming days.

In addition, representatives of the US administration say that they have discussed the balloon with their Chinese officials.

– We have expressed to them the seriousness with which we approach this matter, said the official, who remained anonymous.

The Chinese embassy in Washington has so far not agreed to comment on the matter, reports news agency Reuters.

Sources: Reuters, AFP, AP
