Strike at school: what mobilization on February 7 and 11?

Strike at school what mobilization on February 7 and 11

New strikes are announced on February 7 and 11 to protest against the pension reform project. For some students, these strikes will take place during the February holidays. How will this happen in schools, colleges and high schools?

The strike of January 31, 2023 against the pension reform mobilized more than 2.5 million French people according to the trade unions, which call for two new strikes on Tuesday 7 and Saturday 11 February. While the government remains firm on the decline of theretirement age, the unions have decided to continue the movement, including in National Education. “Nothing justifies such an unfair and brutal reform. The government must hear the massive rejection of this project and withdraw it” estimates the FSU-SNUipp. However, depending on the zones and the academies, these strikes will take place during the February holidays in zone A and B. Indeed, the pupils of zone A (Besançon, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand , Dijon, Grenoble, Limoges, Lyon, Poitiers) will be on vacation from February 4 to 20 and those in zone B will start the winter holidays on February 11. The departure on vacation should also be disrupted by the strike in the transport.

Strikes of February 7 and 11: what mobilization in schools?

As during the previous strikes of January 19 and 31, several teachers’ unions responded to the strike of February 7 and 11, such as the CGT-Education, a union which brings together the staff of the National Education, and the union of primary school teachers, the SNUipp-FSU. As for the SUD Education union, it had already indicated its desire to renew the movement in schools after January 31.

Strike in February in high schools: how will it go?

Since the beginning of the mobilization, the high school students, affected by the reform, have taken the subject of pensions to heart. They will be mobilized again on February 7 and 11 to make their voices heard. During the last strike movements, blockades were organized in schools, almost everywhere in France. According to the unions, this is a “mobilization of historic proportions” for young people. Moreover, in taking stock of the strike of January 31, the Mouvement National Lycéen announced very clearly its position for the continuation of the movement: “This is just the beginning !”. In vocational high schools, the movement could also be renewed. In a press release, dated January 27, the inter-union of professional schools announced that it “commits to building a new response front through specific actions and strikes in vocational high schools” if the claims are not heard.

What if my child’s school or class is closed?

Primary schools (kindergarten and elementary) are concerned by the minimum reception service in the event of a strike (if more than 25% of teachers are absent). This is not the case for colleges and high schools, as well as in nurseries or even for after-school care. In cases where there is no childcare service in place, the parents of students must on their side find a solution to have their children looked after. Without a solution, some parents sometimes have to take a day off or telecommute.

Can a student be turned away from school during a strike?

In the first degree, even if there is a planned strike in a school, under no circumstances can a pupil be refused school. A pupil in primary school (nursery or elementary) must be welcomed during class time, even if his teacher or mistress is absent. This reception service is free. It is provided differently at public school and at private school under contract”indicates the site of the Public Service, according to the law in force since 2008.

Are teachers obliged to declare themselves strikers in advance?

The right to strike in National Education responds to a few obligations. In the first degree, school teachers must declare their intention to go on strike in advance, at least 48 hours before the movement, respecting one working day. It is therefore not possible to declare oneself a striker on Friday if the strike takes place on Monday. If the teacher does not inform his management, he incurs a disciplinary sanction, indicates the ministry’s website.

In colleges and high schools, if a notice has already been given by a union, teachers are not obliged to declare themselves to be on strike in advance. It is up to the management of the establishment to carry out a census of the strikers and to inform the pupils and their families of them in advance. In fact, some teachers also use interactive platforms with students and families to announce their participation or not a few hours before the start of classes. Advice: do not hesitate to contact the school management a few days before or the day before to find out the details of the mobilization to come.
