Latest news – The US central bank Fed raises the key interest rate

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The US central bank, the Fed, raises the key interest rate

today at 20.00 Oskar Forsberg

The US central bank Fed raises the key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points.

It was announced just now.

The increase was expected.

The last time the Fed adjusted the interest rate was in December 2022, when it raised it by 0.50 percentage points to the range of 4.25-4.50 percent.

There was then a reduction in the rate of increase by 0.25 (from 0.75 to 0.5).

Now the previous rate of increase is being further reduced. The head of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, will later this evening hold a press conference and comment on the adjustment.

He is also believed to be commenting on how the Fed views the near future

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  • Hungary’s foreign minister criticizes Kristersson

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    – To claim that burning a holy book is part of freedom of speech is just pure stupidity, says Peter Szijjarto, who believes that the statement was neither appropriate nor respectful.

    This was said by Hungary’s foreign minister during a press conference after a meeting with Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

    Only Turkey and Hungary have not yet ratified Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO application.

    – Sweden should perhaps act differently than that if they want to secure Ankara’s support, says Peter Szijjarto.

    Hungary was supposed to vote on whether to say yes or no to Sweden and Finland’s NATO application at the end of last year, but it didn’t happen. The vote is now expected to take place in parliament in February.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Big fight on board the bus

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    According to early information to the police, the addition must have been used. None of the people involved should have been left when the police arrived at the scene.

    The extent of the injury is still unknown.

    The police are now investigating the incident – which is currently classified as attempted aggravated assault.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Couple left baby at airport

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    The couple did not have a ticket for their child, but tried to board the plane, which would take them to Brussels, without the baby.

    The pair have been reported to the police, a Ryanair spokesperson told CNN.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Iran continues to keep social media down

    Among other things, Instagram and Whatsapp will continue to be down in the country. The president of Iran made the announcement on Wednesday, reports AFP.

    According to AFP, several platforms have been shut down by the regime as protesters organized through the channels.

    You can read more about the demonstrations here.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Court upholds decision to remand Andrew Tate

    A Romanian court has decided to extend the detention of controversial influencer Andrew Tate, it reports Sky news.

    Tate was arrested in Bucharest on December 29, suspected of, among other things, trafficking and rape.

    You can read more about the event here.

  • Dentist extracted 18 teeth – receives criticism

    A dentist in Gothenburg extracted 18 of the patient’s teeth in one sitting.

    Now the dentist is severely criticized by the Inspectorate for Care and Care, Ivo, writes GP.

    The incident took place about five years ago. The patient had periodontal disease and the dentist proposed to extract 18 of the 22 remaining teeth and replace them with implants.

    “Which led to great pain from which I have suffered for many days,” writes the patient in his report to Ivo.

    The dentist also did not sew the wounds together, which Ivo considers to be a major shortcoming. The patient later developed infections around the implants, which were said to have been difficult to clean.

    Ivo believes that the dentist was guilty of “serious shortcomings”.

    In his defence, the dentist says that the patient wanted to “avoid many visits”.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Baudin about Botkyrka: Shocking information

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    – This is shocking information, says Tobias Baudin, party secretary of the Social Democrats, to TT and continues:

    – But there is currently nothing to proceed with.

    You can read more about the event here.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    One to hospital after collision

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    One person was taken to hospital by ambulance, but is said to have been awake and able to speak, according to the police.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    The FBI searches Biden’s vacation home

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    The crackdown is part of a larger investigation into the president. In the past, classified material has been found in one of Biden’s private residences and in an office in Washington.

    The material should be from Biden’s time as vice president under Obama.

    A source with knowledge of the matter tells NBC that the search was planned and that there was no warrant for the search.

  • Man arrested on suspicion of murder

    A person was found dead today at an address in Skaraborg.

    A man is arrested on suspicion of murder.

    – We are alerted to the address at half past three. There is a man who is secured initially, it goes smoothly. There is also a deceased person at the address, says police spokesperson Fredrik Svedemyr.

    The site is cordoned off for technical examination.

    The police do not want to go into any more details about the incident at this time.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Person sentenced after water gun explodes

    A person is sentenced to 20 hours of youth service after a water gun loaded with T-red exploded at a party in Scania this summer, reports Skånska Dagbladet.

    Three people caught fire after a glowing stick got too close to the water gun.

    One person suffered second-degree burns after getting the burning liquid on his face.

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  • Has Hungary accepted and let Sweden’s NATO application go through?


    Hi Sophie!

    Hungary has not ratified Sweden’s NATO application. We reported briefly on this a few days ago, you can read more here.

  • Why no reporting on the incident in Hässleholm during last night until Wednesday morning?


  • Do not understand why such an important thing as information about the war in Ukraine should be a “plus” and I should pay extra to find out, and this from a newspaper that should give us news.

    Please explain how you think here!

    But the easiest thing is to just delete the post, if you don’t have an answer.


    Hi Axel! I’m not the one to decide things like this, so take my words with a grain of salt. But our starting point is that pure news, whether about the war, covid-19, politics or crime, can be read openly, while in-depth information requires a plus login.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s that strange, we’re a private company and not a public service that gets all the funding on the tax bill. And if you compare to the old days – I hardly think that the newspaper was free in the newsstands just because there was a second world war or the cold war…

    At least that’s what I think, but everyone can think differently!

  • Has the Kurdish fox been requested to be extradited to Sweden

    Lillemor Gunnarsson

  • Ozzy says he’s canceling in May?!?

    Extravagant83 Extravagant83

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