Ozzy Osbourne cancels his concerts: what we know about his health

Ozzy Osbourne cancels his concerts what we know about his

OZZY OSBOURNE. In a press release, rocker Ozzy Osbourne announces the cancellation of his tour due to injury.

“This is probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to tell my loyal fans,” Ozzy Osbourne began in a statement released on February 1 on his social media. The British singer announces the cancellation of his tour in Europe and the United Kingdom, which was to begin in Helsinki, Finland, on May 3. The reason ? A spinal injury, after an accident in 2003 and a series of operations. “My one and only goal during this period has been to return to the stage. My voice is doing well. However, after three operations, stem cell therapy and recently a breakthrough treatment, my body is still too weak”, writes the rocker in his press release.

Ozzy Osbourne does not hide his worries about an upcoming return to the stage: “I will not be able to bear the journey. Believe me when I say that the idea of ​​disappointing my fans makes me sick – more than you can imagine ( …) I never thought my years of touring would end like this. My team is thinking about how I can sing without having to travel from city to city and country to country.”

In 2003, Ozzy Osbourne had been the victim of a quad accident, which had earned him several metal rods in the spine and led to several operations, in particular after a fall in 2019. Suffering from Parkinson’s disease, he had been seen, in May 2022, with a cane to help him walk.
