Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1342 of January 17, 2023

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1342 of January

In episode 1342 of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on Tuesday January 17, 2023, increasingly threatened by Mélissa, Roxane decides to go to the police to reveal her true identity. Summary and spoilers.

In episode 1342 of DNA on Tuesday January 17, Lisa is still convinced that Roxane is Aurélie and wants to continue, despite the reluctance of Aurore and Georges, to dig in this direction. Especially since in David Doumergue’s computer, an encrypted message was found from a woman announcing her pregnancy. Aurore tries to distract Lisa from her target, in vain. In the hospital parking lot, Mélissa traps Bart’s car. Fortunately, when the pregnant policewoman accompanied by Bart gets back in the car, the scrambled waves of her phone put her on the track. Under the car, they find a jammer, which would have disrupted the controls of the vehicle and caused them an accident. Bart wants to go to the police but Roxane refuses and confesses the truth about her identity. Bart can’t believe that Sara also knows about it. He explodes in anger as Roxane cries. Bart then changes his mind. Aurore then comes to talk to Roxane to tell her that Lisa has understood that she is Aurélie Doumergue. Roxane bursts into tears: Mélissa tried to kill them, she is going to confess everything to the police.

Also in the episode of DNA broadcast on January 17 on TF1, at Audrey’s, life is organized around Jack and his visual impairment. Lizzie is sick so Jordan will have to take her to school. In class, Rayane sits next to him and the two teenagers have sarcastic exchanges, Rayane playing with his nerves. At the end of the lesson, Jack is waiting for his brother but he comes late and explains that he won’t be able to take care of him during the day. Rayane offers to help, and at the end of the day, Jack thanks Rayane. Adam can’t believe this change in attitude.

Finally, in the next episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us, Aurore sees Mélanie’s ride and comes to get her to make her work in her office and keep her away from Nordine. At the hospital, William warns his daughter about the new recruit. Manon hears what her father is telling her and immediately goes to the police station. She finds Nordine and Mélanie going out for a drink and suggests going for a drink at three. Mélanie finds herself asking if she and Nordine are a free couple but Manon rebuffs her, telling her that they are an exclusive couple. In the evening, in bed, Nordine gently makes fun of Manon’s jealousy and laughs at her parents’ involvement.
