Covid contact case: test protocol lifted on February 1, 2023

Covid contact case test protocol lifted on February 1 2023

As of February 1, 2023, Covid contact cases no longer have to be tested. Health insurance contact tracing is also suspended.

[Mise à jour le 30 janvier 2023 à 12h43] After being in contact with a coronavirus-positive person, you may have been infected with Sars-Cov-2 and are therefore considered to be “contact case“. “In a favorable epidemic contextmarked by very low viral circulation in France” the protocol of test for contact cases is lifted from February 1, 2023announce the Ministry of Health isolation contact cases had been lifted on March 21, 2022. February 1, 2023 is also suspended on contact tracing set up by Health Insurance to search for contact cases in the entourage of people positive for Covid-19.

By definition, a contact case is a person who has been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19 in the absence of effective protective measures, whatever the duration.

Are considered effective protective measures :

  • Physical separation isolating the contact person from the confirmed or probable case by creating two independent spaces (window, Hygiaphone®);
  • Surgical mask, or FFP2 mask, or in “general public filtration greater than 90%” fabric (corresponding to category 1 (AFNOR)), worn by the confirmed or probable case OR the contact person.

Apply barrier gestures (mask in particular), avoid contact with fragile people and test yourself for symptoms suggestive of Covid occur, says the Ministry of Health on January 28, 2023. the testing protocol for contact cases is survey starting the February 1, 2023. No need to make a screening test on D+2 as was the case up to that date. isolation contact cases had been lifted on March 21, 2022.

There is no longer isolation for contact cases, whether they are vaccinated or not vaccinated against Covid.

Should we do a test if we are in contact?

The test protocol for contact cases is lifted from February 1, 2023. Until that date, contact cases had to perform a Covid screening test (antigenic, PCR or self-test) on D+2 from the last contact with the positive person.

Wearing a mask is always recommended for contact cases. The government recommends wearing it during one week.

There is more testing and isolation protocol for contact cases. If you have had the Covid and you are then in contact with a positive person, you must apply barrier gestures and avoid fragile people. If symptoms suggestive of Covid occur, you can perform a test and/or go to the doctor.

The test protocol for contact cases is lifted from February 1, 2023. It there is therefore no longer any need to test the child on D+2. However, a child in contact must continue to apply barrier gestures. In case of symptoms suggestive of Covid, consult the attending physician.

“The contact-tracing rules applicable at school are those adopted by the health authorities for adults and children in the general population” remind him Ministry of Education. Thus, in accordance with the announcements of the Ministry of Health of January 28, 2023, from February 1, 2023, the realization of a screening test on the second day of notification of contact status for asymptomatic contact persons no longer required. “On the other hand, as with any disease with acute respiratory infection, it remains strongly recommended that people who have been exposed to a contagious person and are likely to develop the disease, respect barrier gesturesof get tested and D’avoid contact with fragile people”.

Contact cases are no longer required to isolate and test themselves (from February 1, 2023). We can therefore be in contact and go to work. On the other hand, it is recommended to continue to apply barrier gestures, including wearing a mask for a week.

Members of the household of a person who tested positive for coronavirus are contact cases but there’s no need to test yourself anymore from February 1, 2023. On the other hand, the Covid being very contagious, it is always recommended to apply barrier gestures. To avoid being contaminated⸱e by a person who lives under the same roof:

Do not share space

  • invite her to stay, if possible, in a separate room, with the door closed;
  • do not share your bed;
  • do not share your daily objects (towels, soap, cutlery, plates, telephone, etc.);
  • do not take your meals with her.

Sanitize your home

  • ventilate at least 10 minutes several times a day;
  • prefer household utensils that do not disperse dust such as a sponge or a mop (the vacuum cleaner is to be avoided);
  • invite the positive person to systematically clean the surfaces they touch (door handles, bathroom furniture, toilets, floors, etc., with your usual product, then with a product containing bleach or alcohol at 70°, then rinse); wash your sheets and towels at 60°C for at least 30 minutes; throw away anything that may be contaminated in a separate trash bag, which she will put in a second trash bag when closed.

If you must have contacts or share objects

  • that everyone wash their hands before and after use;
  • wear a mask;
  • stay more than 2 meters away;
  • limit your discussions to less than 15 minutes.


Fight against the Covid-19 epidemic: entry into force of several legislative changes as of January 31, 2023, Ministry of Health, January 28, 2023.

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Case definition for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection and at-risk contact Updated 07/22/2021
