Turkey can approve Finland’s NATO application

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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Sunday evening in a recorded TV speech that Turkey can give a different answer to Finland’s NATO application than Sweden’s.

– If necessary, we will give another answer to Finland. Sweden will be shocked.

Terese Cristiansson says in a comment that it is another warning to Sweden, but also part of the political game.

The conversations paused

The NATO talks between Turkey and Sweden have been paused after the recent protest actions against Turkey. After the Koran burning outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm last weekend, Erdogan announced that Sweden cannot expect Turkey’s support.

“We Turks don’t behave like they do, our upbringing is not like that. But they showed what their politeness looks like. Denmark did the same. But we stand firm in our faith,” Erdogan said during his speech on Sunday, adding that the Koran burnings only strengthens Muslims in their faith.

Watch the full interview in the player above.
