Dave Mafoula pleads for the release of two other opponents

Dave Mafoula pleads for the release of two other opponents

The youngest Congolese presidential candidate for 2021, Dave Mafoula, 39, who returned to politics on Saturday January 28 in Brazzaville, demanded the release of opponents Jean-Marie Michel Mokoko and André Okombi Salissa. Both unsuccessful candidates in the 2016 presidential election, they were tried and sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2018, for undermining the internal security of the state.

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

Dave Mafoula, suit and tie, facing the press and in the presence of a handful of activists from the Les Souverainistes (LS) party, which he leads, first criticized “ government immobility “. He then asked the Congolese president to pardon two opposition leaders to ease the political atmosphere.

I call on President Denis Sassou-Nguesso to take this political act. I ask for the release, because the President of the Republic is aware that behind Okombi Salissa and General Mokoko, there is a good portion of our people. And, all these Congolese are waiting for a response, not strong but wise from the president to release his brothers. Okombi Salissa and General Mokoko are the brothers of President Sassou-Nguesso “.

Dave Mafoula recalled that these three personalities had a story. Indeed, General Mokoko was chief of staff of the army, under President Sassou-Nguesso between 1987 and 1992, and until 1993, under the presidency of Pascal Lissouba. For his part, André Okombi Salissa was President Sassou Nguesso’s minister several times, uninterruptedly between 1997 and 2012.
