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Scooter accident – man to hospital

today at 14.01 Alexander Bönke

A man drove into a tree outside a snowmobile trail at Transtrand, south of Sälen.

Mountain rescue, ambulance helicopter and police rushed to the scene.

– They had to close the road so that the helicopter could land. The terrain where the accident happened was too difficult to land, says Lars Hedelin, spokesperson for the police.

The extent of the injuries is unclear, the man has been taken to hospital.

– At least he’s talkable, but otherwise I can’t comment on the injury situation, says Lars Hedelin.

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  • Hi, I wonder if it is still possible to see the green comet from Gothenburg

    K å Johansson

    Hey! The best chance to see the green comet seems to have been on January 21 and 22. But even now, during the last week of January, it seems you can catch a glimpse of it, if the sky is cloudless and you have good binoculars!

  • Why is it not a crime to buy drugs in Sweden, only to sell them?


    Hey! It is a crime to buy, use and sell narcotics in Sweden.

  • The Kristersson government must be the most pathetic and pitiful ever! Why don’t they dare to face the consequences of their policies? They keep secret who gets electricity subsidies and how much, for 20 years!!! Why!?


    Hey! The government states that it is about wanting to protect “individuals’ personal circumstances”. They have also referred to the security policy situation.

  • Freedom of speech, ok, but when does it cross the line. Hang a lifelike doll, burn book revered by millions.

    Is there no legal scope to prosecute them for blasphemy, personal persecution, etc.?

    gunner current sheet

    The blasphemy law was abolished in 1949.

    The Freedom of Religion Act was abolished in 1970 because freedom of expression weighs more heavily.

    Unlawful persecution means committing several criminal violations against one and the same person.

    The burning of the Koran has been investigated for incitement against a ethnic group, but in Sweden you can express strong disrespect for a religion. It is not the same as expressing it to the believers.

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