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Two arrested for armed robbery

today at 07.36 Nelly Kronstrand

During the night of Friday, two people were arrested on suspicion of robbing a 35-year-old man in Gothenburg.

Two men allegedly showed the man a knife and demanded his mobile phone. The man, who alerted the police himself, is said to have also received a scratch on his neck.

Soon after, the police were able to arrest the two suspects.

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  • Fully developed fire in terraced house

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    The townhouse location consists of several smaller apartments.

    – All apartments are vacated. I have no information that anyone will be injured, says Peter Adlersson, press spokesperson at the police.

    The fire started in one of the apartments and then spread to more. Even the long wind has become filled with smoke.

    – It is unclear what caused the fire to break out, says Ulf Seglet, officer on duty at the rescue service.

  • Man suspected of assaulting woman

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    The suspected assault took place in an apartment and the woman allegedly had several teeth knocked out, the police write on their website.

    The man is now arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.

  • SD criticizes the government’s decision on waiting period

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    Now the Sweden Democrats are criticizing the decision and summoning Minister for the Elderly and Social Insurance Anna Tenje (M) to the “affected committee”.

    – The government’s decision to shut down the investigation that was supposed to review the retirement allowance was unknown to us and is not something we have been involved in.

    This is what Linda Lindberg, social policy spokesperson for SD, says in a press release and continues:

    – Karen’s day is a big burden for many particularly vulnerable professional groups in, among other things, healthcare, not least in these times when many Swedes experience great economic uncertainty. We are very critical of the government choosing to make this decision.

  • Quick test can reveal 12 types of cancer

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    With the help of AI, artificial intelligence, the blood test can show whether the person in question has been affected by breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer glioma, acute myeloid leukemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and myeloma, colon cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer. It can also show the presence of endometriosis, reports Science Radio.

    The researchers behind the study now hope that the sample can be used to detect cancer early, before it develops into a serious disease. (TT)

  • Suspected explosion in Stockholm

    Police and emergency services were alerted just after 03.30 to Akalla in northwest Stockholm after several calls about a loud bang. According to information to Aftonbladet, a detonation has occurred at a gate to an apartment building.

    Read more in Aftonbladet’s article.

  • Shots fired at residential buildings

    A shooting occurred in the Ryd area in Linköping during the night towards Friday.

    The police were alerted to loud bangs at 01:12. On site, suspected bullet holes were found in an apartment building.

    The police have opened a preliminary investigation into serious weapons offenses and serious illegal threats, the officer on duty says on the police website.

    There are no reports of personal injuries.

  • Golden mummy found in tomb

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    The mummy, which is the remains of a man named Hekashepes, is believed to be one of the oldest and most complete non-royal bodies yet found in Egypt.

    The find was made in a 15 meter deep shaft in the burial city of Saqqaera, south of Cairo. Three other graves were also found at the same location. (TT)

  • Fire at a building in central Stockholm

    The emergency services were alerted at 00:41 to a fire on Vasagatan in central Stockholm, near the approach to the Central Bridge.

    – According to a caller, it is rubble burning on a construction site. We have just arrived and the police have started extinguishing with powder extinguishers, said Kurt Holm, line operator at the rescue center, about ten minutes after the alarm.

  • Boy stabbed in fight

    A boy has been stabbed in connection with a fight in Svedala.

    – The information we now have is that there are six to seven perpetrators, says Rickard Lundqvist press spokesperson for the South police region.

    Several of the people were masked during the fight.

    Another boy was threatened during the fight.

  • Couple abused in Tyresö

    A young couple has been abused by a group of young men in Tyresö, south of Stockholm.

    The police were alerted at 9.30pm on Thursday evening.

    – After some kind of argument at a distance, they knocked a man down and continued when he was lying down. Then they ran from the scene, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

    The man was subjected to a serious assault and severe violence to the head, but did not want to wait for an ambulance.

    The woman was abused by the normal degree, the police write.

  • Large police operation in Solna

    The police have cordoned off parts of a residential area. Photo: Reader picture

    The police are in Solna and are carrying out an operation.

    “Persons who are to be deprived of liberty in an investigative case involving serious crime try to escape the police,” the police write on their website.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, a weapon has been found. The incident must be connected to the recent wave of violence in Stockholm.

    Two people have been arrested.

    The police have set up cordons at a residential area.

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  • Hi, I wonder if it is still possible to see the green comet from Gothenburg

    K å Johansson

    Hey! The best chance to see the green comet seems to have been on January 21 and 22. But even now, during the last week of January, it seems you can catch a glimpse of it, if the sky is cloudless and you have good binoculars!

  • Why is it not a crime to buy drugs in Sweden, only to sell them?


    Hey! It is a crime to buy, use and sell narcotics in Sweden.

  • The Kristersson government must be the most pathetic and pitiful ever! Why don’t they dare to face the consequences of their policies? They keep secret who gets electricity subsidies and how much, for 20 years!!! Why!?


    Hey! The government states that it is about wanting to protect “individuals’ personal circumstances”. They have also referred to the security policy situation.

  • Freedom of speech, ok, but when does it cross the line. Hang a lifelike doll, burn book revered by millions.

    Is there no legal scope to prosecute them for blasphemy, personal persecution, etc.?

    gunner current sheet

    The blasphemy law was abolished in 1949.

    The Freedom of Religion Act was abolished in 1970 because freedom of expression weighs more heavily.

    Unlawful persecution means committing several criminal violations against one and the same person.

    The burning of the Koran has been investigated for incitement against a ethnic group, but in Sweden you can express strong disrespect for a religion. It is not the same as expressing it to the believers.

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