Ruotsalaislehti: A man asks the police for permission to burn the Bible and the Torah in Stockholm

Ruotsalaislehti A man asks the police for permission to burn

A man wants to burn a Torah in front of the Israeli embassy in Stockholm and a Bible in Sergeli square in the center of Stockholm.

In Sweden, a 34-year-old Swedish-Egyptian man has asked the police for permission to burn the Bible and the Torah, says the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (you switch to another service) (DN).

A man wants to burn a Torah in front of Israel’s Stockholm big crowd. He, on the other hand, wants to burn the Bible at Sergeli market in the center of Stockholm.

– Burning holy books is somewhat disgusting, but I am angry and I do it to create a discussion, the man tells DN.

The police have not yet made a decision on granting permission for the man’s planned demonstration for next Saturday.

Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan burned a Koran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm last Saturday. He was given permission to show his mind.
