Minecraft Legends Release Date Announced!

Minecraft, one of the legendary games of today and our childhood, continues to grow under Microsoft. In today’s article, we will give you information about the Minecraft Legends release date.

If we come to the subject of the game; Reminiscent of Warcraft-like games in the action strategy genre, Minecraft Legends will debut on Xbox Series, Xbox One, PC and Xbox Cloud platforms on April 18. The game is scheduled to be added to Game Pass from day one.

One of the modes included in the game will be Online co-op adventure and competitive multiplayer modes. In these modes, your goal in the game will be to protect your base and destroy the enemy’s.

Another issue that the players were most curious about was the graphics issue. About this issue, the company did not make any changes in the graphics in the game and stated that it would be the classic Minecraft look.
