Wanjiru Kamuyu, the decolonized body

Wanjiru Kamuyu the decolonized body

Being a migrant can be a chance, it all depends on the color of the passport. This was experienced by an artist always on the move, a luxury migrant apparently, our guest Wanjiru Kamuyu.

After collecting often terrible migration stories for An immigrant’s story (5th solo project of his Cie WKcollective), the dancer choreographer Wanjiru Kamuyu questions the notion of home sweet home and our perception of the Other from elsewhere, because nomad, expatriate, refugee or immigrant. To get you home, where is it? is a question that regularly circulates in the body of this floating visitor, of Kenyan and American culture and now living in France.

Wanjiru Kamuyu’s musical choices

Lauryn Hill Zion

Stevie Wonder pastime paradise

Somi Holy Room

Wanjiru Kamuyu participates in the Dance Festival Winter Facts.
