Tells about the horror: “Then we preferred death”

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Livia Fränkel, 95, is one of those who can still bear witness to the Holocaust herself. She grew up in a middle-class Jewish family, consisting of mother, father and sister Hedi Fried.

TV4 News’ Ulrika Nilsson has met Fränkel, who opens up about the horror-filled journey to Auschwitz. One day the family was forced onto a train that would take Livia and her sister to the extermination camp, and her parents to death. It was a trip she describes as terrible.

– On the second day, I remember that the train stopped at the station and we appealed to people
that they would give us some water, but no one gave us water. The
turned his head away, pretended not to hear, not to see, says Livia and continues:

– On the third day we were quite apathetic. Then we just prayed to God that the journey would end. Then we preferred death, because it was so horrible.

Hear Livia Fränkel’s full powerful story, and about her thoughts on widespread anti-Semitism – and what needs to be done to stop it.
