Readers’ letters: Pension reform, CGT, Avatar 2…

Mail from the readers China pensions Francophonie…

Pensions: dispelling misconceptions

André Bouchut, Sorbiers (Loire)

It takes no reflection or a strong dose of selfishness not to understand that our pay-as-you-go system is, unless reformed, in great danger. When working people, often young, seem to “envy” the current retirees for their departure at 60, I do not miss the opportunity to point out to them that the workers, in the 1950s and 1960s, worked at least 45 hours a week , without RTT, with only three weeks of leave and conditions of hardship not commensurate with those of today. (“Pension reform: the article to read to disentangle the true from the falseon

Pensioners don’t have to pay

Maurice Marreau, Perros-Guirec (Côtes d’Armor)

I read the letter from this pensioner who proposed, for the financing of pensions, to have pensioners contribute. Need we remind him that successive governments have cut pensions by not making them keep up with inflation? And that the charges weighing on seniors – unemployed children, parents in nursing homes, etc. – are not taken into account even though they are sometimes heavy to bear? (“Mail”, L’Express of January 5).

CGT, the full investigation

Laurent Neulat, La Motte-Servolex (Savoie)

I was flabbergasted by reading your survey. The CGT looks like an organization with mafia methods. How can the French accept that such an organization arrogates to itself the right to paralyze the country by blocking refineries, trains, metros… more for clan wars or to gain a certain audience in the country than to defend the workers ? (“CGT, the full investigation”L’Express of January 5).

La Poste, a public service?

Jean-Jacques Bertolucci, Ploemeur (Morbihan)

In the past, I went to get my collector’s stamps at the Post Office by looking at them in the panel placed under glass. Then the Internet came to place orders, and now the Post Office replaces the priority red stamp with an email system printed by a postman who puts it in your mailbox. There would be a lot to say about La Poste, a public service, but one thing is certain: woe to anyone who doesn’t know how to use the Internet… (Chloé Morin: “End of the red stamp: what if we stopped fantasizing about a “real country” braced on tradition?”, on

Avatar 2: eyes full of dreams

Martine Viviand, Chambery (Savoie)

I do not share Gérald Bronner’s analysis of the film Avatar 2. The images of great beauty, the “magical” story where nature, animals and supernatural characters live in osmosis in a strange world, largely overshadow the passages featuring the violence of humans. Hearing the comments when the film was released, I didn’t have the impression that all these young people left the theater with a negative image of the human species, but rather with a dream in their eyes. And me too. (Avatar 2: The Triumph of Hatred of Humanity“, L’Express of January 5).

Art does not excuse everything

Francoise Taylor, Montlucon (Allier)

Abnousse Shalmani defends Bastien Vivès and claims that the child pornography images he puts into circulation are art. Apparently, the victims of pedocrime and the associations that defend them are not very sensitive to the artistic character of these images, since the comic book artist and his publishers have just been indicted by the courts. Legitimizing child pornography images and prohibiting their censorship and prosecution is unacceptable. Art does not excuse everything. Is Abnousse Shalmani unaware that the dissemination of this type of image is sanctioned by law or does she consider that we do not have to respect it? The fight against woke must not come before the protection of children. (“My library respects nothing: neither melanin, nor the sexes, nor propriety!“, L’Express of January 5).

Management: discover advice from the pros

Siesta at the office? The secrets of an effective meeting? How to succeed in fundraising? Do not get the wrong partners? A few months ago, L’Express launched its “tips” for startupers and managers. A series of videos published every Tuesday morning on our LinkedIn page.

The idea? The sharing of experience. Thus, the CEOs of Blablacar, Selency, AirBnb or Biocoop, creators of start-ups as well as companies that have become unicorns, have agreed to share their successes, their learnings and their best advice for success with us.

The first season is already online and can be found in full on the website.
