These foods we eat for breakfast are very harmful! Every bite is poisonous

These foods we eat for breakfast are very harmful Every

Breakfast habits vary from person to person. While some like to have a healthy breakfast for hours, some people do not have time for this, which causes them to prefer practical and fast-paced breakfasts. Many foods that we consume for breakfast and that we think are healthy play a role in the formation of diseases such as heart diseases, stroke, cholesterol, diabetes and cancer.



Cereals consumed for breakfast are thought to be beneficial and nutritious for children and adults. The main thing is that these grains are highly processed and contain very little grain. It contains more sugar in sweets and cookies in terms of sugar rate in cereals consumed in the morning. Adding wholegrain foods or artificial vitamins and minerals will not make a healthy solution.


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There are 2 important reasons why margarine toast is unhealthy. First, when the flour in most breads is refined, it will provide you with very little nutrients and fiber. Refined, on the other hand, can raise your blood sugar too much because it is low in carbohydrates and fiber. Secondly, it contains trans fats, which are the unhealthiest fats in margarine compared to other oils. For this reason, toast made with margarine causes your blood sugar to rise and you get hungry faster, thus causing you to gain weight and increase heart disease.


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It is made with vegetable oil, refined flour, eggs and sugar. The only thing healthy is eggs. From time to time, the sugar content in the cake is high, which will cause you to gain more calories and weight.

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Starting the day with juice in the morning would be the worst choice. Fruit juice can cause weight gain, hunger and chronic diseases. If you think that sugar is an artificial sweetener, you will be putting your health at risk. Most fruit juices are not complete juices, as you know. It sweetens it by adding sugar or fructose corn syrup. High sugar levels can cause diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Pie, pastry and similar pastries like this are normally not very useful to eat. Eating, especially in the morning, harms the stomach. After a certain time, you will have a burning sensation in your stomach. Pastries that are consumed too much make you hungry very quickly. This causes you to gain weight faster.
