Gas stations, strike confirmed but acronyms divided: the situation

Gas stations strike confirmed but acronyms divided the situation

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Changes, twists and turns and attempts to mend in extremis precede the start of the gas station strike, scheduled for 48 consecutive hours starting at 7pm today (on the ordinary network and on the motorways the start is set at 10pm). In the early afternoon of today, the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy had summoned the managers of the distributors for a last attempt at mediation which, in intention, should have led to the revokes protest. uA narrow-minded attempt to prevent the closure of service stations.

FAIB REDUCES LOCKOUT – News from a few minutes ago that the national presidency Faib Confesercentimeeting urgently, following the meeting with the Minister Urso, evaluated and deemed positive the openings presented and already formalized with an amendment to the decree law and has decided to reduce the mobilization to a single day. The decision will be presented at the coordination meeting with the other acronyms, fixed for tomorrow morning, Wednesday 25 January.“The National Presidency Faib Confesercenti, meeting urgently, following the meeting with Minister Urso – reads a note – evaluated and deemed positive the openings presented and already formalized with an amendment to the decree law”.
In particular, explains Faib, “it seems to us an important result the significant reduction of fines, the rationalization of the signage on the plants, the quick call of a supply chain table to address the long-standing problems of the sector, starting from the illegality of contracts and the cutting of costs for electronic transactions”. “In appreciation of the work done by the Minister and his collaborators, and with the aim of reducing the inconvenience to citizens, the Faib presidency has therefore decided to reduce the mobilization to just one day. There decision will be presented at the coordination meeting with the other acronyms, set for tomorrow morning, Wednesday 25 January”.

FEGICA AND FIGISC/ANISA CONFIRM STOP – “Too little and too late to revoke the strike”

which then “remains confirmed”; instead they explain i presidents of Fegica and Figisc/Anisa in a note emphasizing how “Minister Urso’s last-minute attempt, appreciated by the way, fails to intervene with the necessary concreteness“.

The agitation was born a few days ago when the organizations Faib, Fegica and Figisc-Anisa, contrary to the measures of the Transparency decree on petrol and diesel prices, during the three meetings (one at Palazzo Chigi and two at Mimit) they had threatened a strike, which was then frozen and subsequently confirmed despite an opening from Urso with a easing of the measure. But they had always said to each other anyway ready to revoke the stop in the face of a convincing proposal even at the last minute before closing.

(Photo: David ROUMANET / Pixabay)
