Person stabbed after traffic accident in Hyltebruk

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Just before 8pm on Tuesday, SOS Alarm was alerted to the incident.

– Two cars have collided. There is one person left at the scene who has a knife injury. We are helping the person in the car until the ambulance is on the scene, said Peter Stened, internal commander at the rescue service, at around 8 p.m.

Just before 9:30 in the evening, the person was taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is unclear. The person is said to have received knife injuries to, among other things, the shoulder blades, according to the police.

Argument at the site

According to the police, there are reports of a fight that allegedly occurred at the scene after the traffic accident. A number of people must have then arrived at the scene by car. How many people were involved in the fight is unclear.

– By all accounts, it appears to be a fight that occurred in connection with the collision, says police spokesperson Fredrik Svedmyr.
