How to overcome restless leg syndrome? It’s what ?

How to overcome restless leg syndrome Its what

People who suffer from impatience in the legs (Willis-Ekbom disease) feel the irresistible urge to move them when they are at rest. This disorder is accentuated at night and disturbs sleep. Dysregulation of iron metabolism and dopaminergic dysfunction may be the cause.

Restless legs syndrome also called “willis disease-Ekbom” would affect around 2% of the French population. “So these are not less than 1,300,000 French who feel the symptoms every day” comment theAssociation France Ekbom which emphasizes that this syndrome “is still too often misunderstood by some doctors”. Decryption with Dr. Jean-Denis Turc, neurologist and vice-president of the French Federation of Neurology (FFN).

What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

Also called “impatient” Where willis disease-Ekbom“, restless legs syndrome is a chronic neurological disorder. As its name suggests, it causes repetitive and uncontrolled movements in the lower (and sometimes upper) limbs as soon as the person is at rest or inactive, whether sitting or lying down. This disorder, which grows louder at night, ceases as soon as the person starts moving. This syndrome can become embarrassing, especially if it occurs every night, thus affecting the good quality of sleep. Moreover, this disorder is classified among sleep disorders. It usually goes hand in hand with daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, irritability and depressive manifestations. On the other hand, restless legs syndrome is not dangerous and is not a warning sign of Parkinson’s disease.

This neurological disorder is not a warning sign of Parkinson’s disease.

What causes restless leg syndrome?

Still today, its cause is unknowneven if four avenues can be explored: dysregulation of iron metabolism, dopamine dysfunction, involvement of endorphin systems and genetic susceptibility“, lists Jean-Denis Turc, neurologist and vice-president of the French Federation of Neurology (FFN). What is certain is that it is not of venous origin. This syndrome worsens with age. (increased frequency and intensity of symptoms). He can too appear during pregnancy due to iron deficiency, but also during certain pathologies such as renal insufficiency or parkinsonian syndromes. This disorder can begin during childhood, and in this case, is often diagnosed late.

What are the symptoms ? What pain ?

Restless legs syndrome causes the irresistible, sudden, uncontrolled urge to move your legs, even when at rest. “The movement causes the signs to disappear, which reappear again at rest. Especially, these signs are accentuated at night“, adds Jean-Denis Turc. Concretely, the patients feel unpleasant sensations of tingling, tingling, muscle twitching or small electric shocks. They are accompanied by an irrepressible need to move the legs.

Parkinson’s.While restless legs syndrome is more common in Parkinson’s disease, these are not more serious forms and usually antiparkinsonian treatments are effective“, specifies the neurologist.


As soon as the first symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor and then a neurologist if necessary. “These should be reassuring because any stress can make the signs worse. Then they have to look for a possible anemia and fix itr”, recommends Jean-Denis Turc.

What are the treatments for restless legs syndrome?

No treatment cures this syndrome definitively. To temporarily relieve these impatience, you have to walk, stretch and perform leg movements, possibly massaging them. If it can disappear spontaneously over time, this syndrome can also stop, “by correcting a lack of iron, or by removing certain treatments, improving sleep hygiene or certain care in chronic dialysis patients”.

Sleep. “If the symptoms have an impact on the quality of sleep, we can use several pharmacological classes always looking for the minimum effective dose. Dopamine agonists can be used [habituellement prescrits dans le traitement de la maladie de Parkinson]certain antiepileptics, more rarely benzodiazepines [qui sont des anxiolytiques] or opiates”, says Dr Turk. As for homeopathy, no controlled study has provided proof of its effectiveness for this syndrome.

In pregnant women suffering from impatience, the first step is to look for anemia. To overcome this, it will then be necessary to prescribe iron supplements. In the absence of iron deficiency, pregnant women should adopt relaxing methods to try to reduce the syndrome and the discomfort it can cause.

To avoid its appearance, it is better to have a healthy lifestyle.

  • Better to avoid exciting drinks such as coffee or tea, but also alcohol.
  • Favoring relaxation methods (yoga, stretching, tai-chi, etc.) to be practiced particularly in the evening can reduce the symptoms, and at the same time, promote restful sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping in an overheated room.

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Denis Turc, neurologist and vice-president of the French Federation of Neurology (FFN), for his details.
