Sophia Jarl (M): “The agreement more important than ever for Norrköping security”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Today, Monday, the municipality of Norrköping and the Police in Östergötland signed a renewed collaboration agreement.

– It will be more important than ever for Norrköping’s safety, says municipal board chairman Sophia Jarl (M) and local area manager Peter Wahlberg at the Police.

The latest attack was just before Christmas when two people tried to set fire to the synagogue in Norrköping.

– This is definitely something we have to collaborate on. The synagogue is a hot spot and it needs more concrete attention in the future.

The collaboration agreement must result in an action plan and citizen pledges. More organizations and companies than before will be allowed to comment on the action plan.

– So that they can take part in building Norrköping together with us in the municipality.

Right now there are about 10 million left of the 25 million where a certain part was used up in 2022. But there could be more money.

The action plan must be ready by the summer and run in a shorter time, while the collaboration agreement runs until 1 December 2026
