In Turkey, angry protesters burned the Swedish flag and sabotaged the Swedish consulate

In Turkey angry protesters burned the Swedish flag and sabotaged

Demonstrations were seen in both Istanbul and Ankara. Participants criticized Sweden’s decision to allow the burning of the Koran at yesterday’s anti-Turkey demonstration in Stockholm.

11:40am•Updated 11:44am

The Swedish flag burned in open flames in front of the Swedish consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Moments later, dozens of protesters tried to break into the consulate, damaging its entrance.

Protesters said they were furious that Sweden did not stop the far-right politician Rasmus Paludanin yesterday’s rapture, where he burned the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.

Demonstrations were also seen in the Turkish capital, Ankara. In total, hundreds of people participated in the demonstrations in Turkey.

– I cannot forgive the fact that the Swedish authorities allow such a provocation. This makes the entire Muslim world angry. He did it on purpose right near the Turkish embassy, ​​he said in Ankara Mesut Emre Balci said.

A black wreath was delivered to the gate of the Swedish embassy in Ankara, demanding an end to Islamophobia, i.e. the fear of Islam.

Sometimes the demonstrations turned violent and angry Turks said they wanted to burn not only the Swedish flag but the entire country.

Will Sweden’s NATO membership become more difficult?

Turkey recalled the Swedish defense minister yesterday Pål Jonson’s the visit, during which the NATO process was supposed to be negotiated.

Some of the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan supporters such as the MHP party Devlet Bahceli said that Turkey will not ratify Sweden’s NATO membership because of Paludan’s opinion.

Turkey’s top political leadership, such as the foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu had hoped that the Swedish authorities would not have allowed the expression of opinion.

Prime Minister of Sweden Ulf Kristersson expressed regret for burning the Koran.

– Freedom of speech is a central part of democracy. But what is legal is not necessarily appropriate. For many, burning holy books is a deeply disrespectful act. I want to express my sympathy to all Muslims who have been offended by today’s events in Stockholm, Kristersson wrote on Twitter.

According to news agency information, Turkey has invited the Swedish ambassador for an interview due to Stockholm’s opinion.

More on the topic:

A far-right politician burned the Koran in a demonstration in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm

Turkey canceled the Swedish minister’s visit due to the planned protest

Defense Minister Savola on the Erdoğan doll: A sad and unnecessary incident that needlessly provokes Turkey
