Tesla Explained Its Heat Pump Technology With Video

Most electric vehicles do not have heat pumps, but they should. As our dictionary definition explains in detail; electric vehicles used by internal combustion engine cars the heating system does not have the ability to use Motor cars reuse engine exhaust heat, but obviously no such thing in an electric vehicle. What about Tesla itself? heat pump technology How does it create?

Tesla is perhaps not convinced of these facts by many. not known enough is thinking about it, and that’s why the company has released its official YouTube channel today. a new promotional video decided to install. And yes, the video is just about heat pumps – specifically Tesla’s heat pumps and why it is positive to have. Check it out for yourself in the video below:

If you couldn’t watch the video, details how a heat pump basically reverses itself as an air conditioner. Tesla heat pump First Model Yand has since entered the company’s entire portfolio of electric vehicles.

Tesla’s heat pumpas possible, so as not to add dozens of components to the car in which it is used. it will be simple was designed in such a way. With the heat pump, three to four times, depending on the conditions, to heat the interior uses less energy you can be.
