Teacher recruitment, Anief: there is a common Ministry-Union proposal

Teacher recruitment Anief there is a common Ministry Union proposal

(Finance) – The comparison on the new mode Of selection And hiring of the personalespecially to hire 70 thousand teachers within less than two years, still awaiting the implementing decrees and the entry into force of the reform law 79 of 2022: today the table between the Minister of Education and the representative unions has reached the definition of a common proposal between the two parties for comply with the need to exploit the experience provided by precarious workers of the Italian school in modifying the transitional phase envisaged by the PNRR, without risking betraying its educational and qualifying purpose.

“It is a question of adapting the system of the dual recruitment channel to the university training envisaged by the reform – he says Marcellus Pacific, national president of Anief – because there are thousands of qualified precarious teachers and many more of the non-qualified and non-specialized ones who are called on as substitute teachers every day by the GPS and GAE: therefore, the State cannot and must no longer perpetrate an abuse of contracts complete. A new meeting, therefore, was adjourned to after this confrontation with the European Commission, which became necessary to be able to deepen the terms of implementation of the changes, starting from those requested with conviction by the trade unions”.

“Like Anief – continues the independent trade unionist – we have reaffirmed the need for one proposal all encompassing which also addresses the issues of all other open questions about recruitment: from the suitable gods contests to the qualifying courses-competitions that never started, from the transfer of roles made impossible to the adaptation of the de facto workforce to the statutory body, to the service provided in the national education system up to the qualifications also obtained abroad”.

L’Legislative Office Anief has prepared a proposal that responds to the observations of the European Union on the need to direct the resources of the PNRR to a specific initial training to become a teacher, to the infringement procedure activated by the same body and to the complaint of Anief accepted by the European institutions (European Committee of and Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe) on the abuse of fixed-term contracts by the Italian State against teaching staff.
