3 hour epic starring the beloved Spider-Man who delivers one of the most bizarre performances of his career

3 hour epic starring the beloved Spider Man who delivers one

Damien Chazelle has filmed an absolute Oscar favorite with La La Land. In love with Hollywood and the magic of moving images, the musical prances through the streets of Los Angeles. When Chazelle announced that he was making another film about the dream factory, Babylon, many saw it next Oscar winner.

Starring big names like Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt, not to mention Spider-Man actor Tobey Maguire, who has since become one of his rare film appearances got carried away. The big surprise: Since the first screenings, Babylon has divided the audience and caused violent reactions.

Controversial Oscar nominee: Babylon is the complete opposite of La La Land

Babylon takes you back to 1920s Hollywood and tells of a major turning point in the film business: The sound film replaces the silent film. What follows is a wild ride through an industry in transition, with no scandalous detail left unattended. Babylon is not a good Oscar film, but a rough, restless Hollywood nightmare.

You can watch the trailer for Babylon here:

Babylon – Trailer 2 (German) HD

Already after the first press presentations, the most bizarre descriptions the Internet. You haven’t exaggerated: Babylon takes you by surprise with elephant shit, puke and pee – not even the boat trip in Triangle of Sadness can keep up with high waves. Chazelle provokes with bad taste.

Though Hollywood tries to rein itself in, the party goes on. It is shifted into a tunnel that “the asshole of LA” is called. Here Tobey Maguire appears as devilish shape and delivers a performance that couldn’t be further from his Peter Parker from Spider-Man: No Way Home.


Tobey Maguire in Babylon

Whether he wins the Oscar or not: Babylon will become us accompany for a while. For every voice that demonizes the film as a bad mess, there is one that defensively jumps into the breach and raves about an incredible masterpiece. That such a lavish film with such a big budget ($80 million) is still getting the green light these days is definitely a good sign.

Babylon expires today, the January 19, 2023in German cinemas.

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