The world’s oldest has died – 118 years old

The worlds oldest has died 118 years old

Published: Just now

full screen Lucile Randon, who has now passed away at the age of 118. Archive image. Photo: Daniel Cole/AP/TT

The world’s oldest person, the French nun Lucile Randon, has died at the age of 118.

Lucile Randon, also known as Sister André, died at the nursing home in Toulon in the south of France where she lived her last years. She became the world’s oldest living person in April last year, and said then, according to the director of the nursing home, David Tavella, that she liked the attention she got a lot.

According to French media, she said that she starts every day with morning gymnastics, even though she can no longer see.

The world’s verified oldest person so far was the French Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997, just over 122 years old.
