Marine Le Pen in Senegal for a three-day visit

What does Marine Le Pen play

Prepared for a long time, the trip was kept secret until the last minute. The former presidential candidate and head of the RN group in the Assembly intends to detail to local actors her vision of relations between Europe and the African continent.

When Marine Le Pen boarded the plane bound for Dakar on Monday, her entourage maintained the greatest mystery about the program of her three days in the country of Teranga. According to the newspaper Opinionthe leader of the National Rally planned โ€œ several exchanges with civil society actors and Senegalese political leaders โ€œ, but we do not know if she will meet the head of state Macky Sall.

One thing is certain: Marine Le Pen will plead for a redefinition of North-South relations and for Dakar to obtain a seat as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

As for the timetable for this visit, we swear to the National Rally that everything was set before knowing the date of the first mobilization of the unions against the pension reform that Marine Le Pen will therefore follow at a distance. ” So what, dares a party spokesman. If we had to count all the times Emmanuel Macron is absent when there is a crisis, we would never end! ยป

Marine Le Pen had in any case not planned to go and demonstrate alongside union leaders who all called for blocking the far right and therefore to “vote Macron”, remarked an RN deputy.
