Dear fuels, gas stations “freeze” strike

Dear fuels gas stations freeze strike

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Trials of peace between the Government and petrol stations that – at the end of today’s meeting – freeze the strike. This is the summary to say that the parties have started a dialogue which – at least in intentions and hopefully in practice – will lead to a shared solution. Sources of Palazzo Chigi, meanwhile, let it be known that government ensures the start of a discussion with the sector, which will begin with a technical table on Tuesday 17 and takes note of the freezing of the strike and the suspension of judgment on the decree law pending publication.

“Appreciated the clarification received with the Government which restores an unequivocal truth: the managers have no responsibility for the price increase, nor for any alleged speculations that have been mentioned“, they said in a joint statement Faib, Fegica, Figisc/Anisa at the end of the meeting with the Government. “As far as the petrol stations’ organizations are concerned, the controversies end here – they add -. Now is the time to work seriously to restore efficiency and full legality to the network. Already in the next few days, the operators’ organizations will make themselves available to address the issues on the table and to identify tools, including normative ones, useful for dealing with both the contingency and above all the perspective. A path that can also lead to re-evaluating the strike called for the end of the month, currently frozen albeit with the reserve for its suspension according to the examination of the text of the decree once issued”.

Already yesterday the government had tried to dilute the voltage: and if, on the one hand, he had vindicated the choices made with the decree on price transparency, on the other by convening a meeting with the sector for today, he immediately put it on paper the will not to raise the confrontation. Appointment on which the premier herself had spent herself: “I will meet the category and tell them that there is no will to pass the buck”, Meloni said speaking on Tg1. Also yesterday, the CDM had intervened “fixing” a rule that already exists and allows for the reduction of excise duties if the price exceeds at least 2% of the value indicated in the Def: in the event of an increase in the price of crude oil and therefore of VAT in a reference quarter, the higher revenue collected in terms of tax by the State can be used to finance reductions in the final pump price. The Council of Ministers also approved some changes to the decree passed just two days ago on transparency, guaranteeing that i petrol vouchers will be tax-free until the end of the year.

Frozen strikeso. And mission – it would seem – accomplishedwaiting for new developments expected in the coming days.

(Photo: © Thanarak Worakandecha / 123RF)
