The influencer couple competes in a new reality show: “Will I die now?”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In the new reality series Good Luck Guys, directed by Kodjo Akolor, we get to follow six famous duos who are thrown into a completely new and alien reality – they will try to survive on a deserted beach in Thailand. The comforts of home are exchanged in the series for a life with food shortages and cell phone bans.

Two of the people taking part are the influencer couple Ellen Bergström and Niclas Lij, whose everyday life stands in stark contrast to life on the island, and it offered a big challenge at first.

– The worst part was not knowing when we would get food! I really thought it would be that they film a bit and then just “here you get some food to keep your energy up”, says Ellen.

But no food boxes came after the cameras were turned off. Instead, the participants had to make do with some rice and a few bananas. But after a while, they both describe that they started to enjoy their new reality.

– What was still interesting is that you end up in some kind of survival fashion that I didn’t think I had in me. I was quite shocked that I wasn’t more affected, says Ellen.

– In some way you realize that this is what you are really made for, I am made to live this way more than to live the way I do at home. So it felt very natural, like we are in our right habitats here now, says Niclas.

Watch the clip in the player above.
