“Pregnancy nose”: what is this symptom that some women complain about on TikTok?

Pregnancy nose what is this symptom that some women complain

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    Medical validation:
    January 14, 2023

    On social networks, many pregnant women complain that their nose “swells” during pregnancy. What is it exactly? The answer of Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist.

    A “bigger” and sometimes “redder” nose. This is the symptom described by many future mothers on social networks. An unexpected and impressive physical change, which can be worrying.

    Pregnancy nose: a temporary physiological change

    For several days, the “pregnancy nose”, or “pregnancy nose” has been talked about on the social network TikTok.

    Oh my god, why is nobody talking about it ?” wrote one, “I had the same thing, usually when it really swells a lot it’s just before giving birth“says another.

    But should we therefore be alarmed by this physiological change caused by pregnancy? What is this physical transformation due to?

    When to worry? Answers from Odile Bagot, gynecologist

    If this modification is explained by a simple “natural dilation of blood vessels“, driven by a hormonal upheaval in pregnant women, Dr. Bagot wishes to be reassuring.

    “During pregnancy, many symptoms appear, such as water retention or dilation of blood vessels, causing swelling of the face and certain parts of the body – fingers, legs, etc. These changes can therefore naturally modify the physiognomy a little, but they are reversible”, explains the expert.

    On the other hand, if in the 3rd trimester “lA pregnant woman observes a significant swelling in her face – the so-called moon face – this may be a sign of high blood pressure. You must therefore consult quickly.”
