Crisis broke out in Bulgaria! Data shared: Country population is melting

Crisis broke out in Bulgaria Data shared Country population is

It has been reported that the population crisis in Bulgaria is getting bigger and the country ranks first in death rate and last in birth rate in Europe.

Professor of Economic and Social Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Dr. In her press release on population data, Nadejda Ilieva said that the main problem the country has to deal with right now is low birthrate and high death rate.

Ilieva said, “While the death rate reached 18 per thousand in 2020, it rose to 21.3 per thousand in 2022. Unfortunately, we rank first in this criterion in the European continent. At the same time, we are in the last place in Europe with a birth rate of 8.5 per thousand. ” used the phrases.

Nadejda Ilieva stated that the negative rate of increase in the population crisis in Bulgaria had a share of 67 percent, and that migration abroad also had a share.

Evaluating the data, Sofia University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Georgi Birdarov said, “The situation observed in the mortality rate in Bulgaria is embarrassing in the European environment. Even in some war-torn countries, there is not such a high mortality rate.” made its assessment.

Bırdarov pointed out that all kinds of state policies implemented in the field of population can only produce results after 15-20 years, and said that campaigns aimed at preventing young people from migrating abroad did not bring fruitful results.


In 1989, when the communist era ended, the population of Bulgaria was close to 8 million. Hundreds of thousands of Bulgarian Turks and Muslims were forced to migrate to Turkey in 1989, before the old regime fell, due to the Communist Party’s policy of persecution against Turks and Muslims in the country.


After Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union (EU) in 2007, the influx of migration shifted towards EU countries.

According to the data published by the National Statistical Institute (NSI), after 2007, approximately 2.5 million Bulgarian citizens immigrated to various countries of the world, especially EU members, taking advantage of the right of free movement.

In the last census conducted in 2021 in Bulgaria, one of the poorest members of the EU, the population of the country was announced as 6 million 520 thousand. (AA)
